Transistor for RF power amplifier with high linearity (OIP3 and OIP2)

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Full Member level 4
Jun 23, 2010
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Hello, friends)
I need to choose transistor for power amplifier for application below 200 MHz. The main parameters are OIP3>+35 dBm and OIP2>+40 dBm, VCC≦5 V. Any suggestions?
Thanks for advance.

Thanks for your sharing)
But i can't find any information about IIP2 of PHA-1+ in their datasheet (**broken link removed** Have you worked with it and measure this parameter?

No, I seldom measured the OIP2.
Do you use the PHA-1 in mobile telecomm?
You can ask the Mini-Circuits for this data, or ask samples for test.

>> OIP3>+35 dBm and OIP2>+40 dBm ?
Are you looking for an amplifier or transistor?
Have you considered a pair of BJTs in push pull? What do you consider "power amplifier". The BFG591 will easily do these IP.

Actually what i want to construct is smth like medium power amplifier with output power 10-15 dBm. Bandwidth is a few MHz - 300 MHz.
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Everyone has a different definition of power amplifier. 10 - 15 dBm is relatively easy but making the OIP3 & "few MHz - 300 MHz" is a bit more tricky. There's many amplifier manufacturers out there that claim DC to GHz but they fall apart around 100MHz not DC. NXP makes some good devices as does Fairchild & OnSemi. I'm still thinking Push-Pull BJT using coax coupler.
ECG008B from TriQuint Semiconductor, which you recommend, requires RF choke for biasing so how can i get, for example, 3-300 MHz bandwidth with inductive RF choke?

Use the bias network shown in the data sheet, with an inductor of around 680 nH. This one has an SRF of 530 MHz:

If you are not getting enough flatness at 3 MHz, try moving more of the shunt capacitance in the bias network to the other side of the series resistor.
I searched in web, and found this maybe you can use.
LQW2BHNR47K03 // 470 ±10% nH//160mA// 2.80 ohms max.// Q=15 //SRF= 350MHz min.// 0805

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