Temperature Sensor project with LM35DZ & PIC16F877A

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Newbie level 3
Apr 11, 2010
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My project is about sensing the temperature with LM35DZ then perform ADC with PIC16F877A and display the output via 4 common anode 7-segment (eg: 24.5C). So far the circuit is done, and all that left is the coding part. I'm using 2V of voltage reference. I ran into some problem when building my program. my program is something like this:

// ***************************************************************************
//  File Name    : pictemp.c
//  Version      : 1.0
//  Description  : PIC Thermometer
//  Target       : Microchip PIC16F877a Microcontroller
//  Last Updated : 28 March 2010
// ***************************************************************************

#include <pic.h>


#define FOSC 20000000L

const char SSEG[] = {
  0b11000000,  // 0, LED Segment: A,B,C,D,E,F
  0b11111001,  // 1, LED Segment: B,C
  0b10100100,  // 2, LED Segment: A,B,D,E,G
  0b10110000,  // 3, LED Segment: A,B,C,D,G
  0b10011001,  // 4, LED Segment: B,C,F,G
  0b10010010,  // 5, LED Segment: A,C,D,F,G
  0b10000010,  // 6, LED Segment: A,C,D,E,F,G
  0b11111000,  // 7, LED Segment: A,B,C
  0b10000000,  // 8, LED Segment: A,B,C,D,E,F,G
  0b10010000,  // 9, LED Segment: A,B,C,D,F,G
  0b11000110,  // C, LED Segment: A,D,E,F


unsigned char DispDigit[4];
unsigned char DigitCount;

static void interrupt isr(void)
  if(TMR0IF) {			       // TIMER0 Interrupt Flag
    /* Pull Low the Segment */
    PORTB = DispDigit[DigitCount];
    /* Activate the Digit and Advanced to next Digit */
    PORTD = ~(1 << DigitCount++);     

    /* Reset the Digit Count */
    if (DigitCount > 3)

    TMR0 = 156;            	   
    TMR0IF = 0;			     

// Delay Function

#define _delay_us(x) { unsigned char us; \
	  	       us = (x)/(30000000/FOSC)|1; \
		       while(--us != 0) continue; }

void _delay_ms(unsigned int ms)
  unsigned char i;
  do {
    i = 4;
    do {
    } while(--i);
  } while(--ms);

/* Seven Segment Put Number: Implementing floating value from 0 to 99.9 */

void SSEG_putnum(float number)
   unsigned char iDigit,iDigit1,iDecimal;
   if (number > 99.9) return;
   /* Global interrupt disable */
   GIE = 0;		                   

   //float temp=number-iDigit;                       // Convert float to Integer
   //float temp2=temp*10;
   iDecimal=(int)(number - iDigit) * 10;       // Get The Decimal Digit
   DispDigit[1]=SSEG[iDecimal];                 // First Decimal Digit
   if (iDigit >= 10) {
     iDigit1=iDigit / 10;
     DispDigit[3]=SSEG[iDigit1];                  // Second Digit
     iDigit=iDigit - (iDigit1 * 10);
   } else { 
     DispDigit[3]=SSEG[0];                           // Zero Sign Second Digit
   DispDigit[2]=SSEG[iDigit] & 0x7F;           // First Digit with Decimal Point
   /* Global interrupt enable */
   GIE = 1;

void main(void)
  unsigned int iValue,iCTemp;
  float CentTemp;

  TRISA = 0xFF;        // Input for RA0 to RA7
  TRISB = 0x00;        // Output for RB0 to RB7
  TRISD = 0x00;        // Output for RC0 to RC7
  /* Initial Output Port */

  /* Init TIMER0: Period: 1/(Fosc/32) x Prescale x TMR0
     0.0016 ms x 64 * 100 = 10.24 ms */
  OPTION = 0b00000101;    // 1:64 Prescale
  TMR0=156;                          // Interupt every 10.24 ms
  TMR0IE = 1;	          // Enable interrupt on TMR0 overflow
  GIE = 1;	                           // Global interrupt enable
  /* Initial variables used */
  DispDigit[0]=SSEG[10];     // Centigrade Sign
  DispDigit[1]=SSEG[0];      // Zero Digit
  DispDigit[2]=SSEG[0];      // Zero Digit
  DispDigit[3]=SSEG[0];      // Zero Digit
  for(;;) {
  /* Get First Sample */
  ADCON1=0b10001101;           // Right Justified,Vref: VCFG1 and VCFG0(1 VoltReference)
  GODONE=1;	                   // initiate conversion on the channel 0
  while(GODONE) continue;         // Wait conversion done
  iValue=ADRESL;                        // Get the 8 bit LSB result
  iValue += (ADRESH << 8);       // Get the 2 bit MSB result
  iCTemp = iValue;
  /* Get Second Sample */
  GODONE=1;	                 // initiate conversion on the channel 0
  while(GODONE) continue;      // Wait conversion done
  iValue=ADRESL;                     // Get the 8 bit LSB result
  iValue += (ADRESH << 8);     // Get the 2 bit MSB result
  iCTemp += iValue;
  /* Get Third Sample */
  GODONE=1;             	  // initiate conversion on the channel 0
  while(GODONE) continue;         // Wait conversion done
  iValue=ADRESL;                        // Get the 8 bit LSB result
  iValue += (ADRESH << 8);       // Get the 2 bit MSB result
  iCTemp += iValue;

  /* Calculate the Average Centigrade Value */
  /* (ADC Value/5.12) / Vref, LM35DZ Out=10mV/C, Vref = 2 Volt */
  CentTemp=(iCTemp/3.0)/ 5.12;

  /* Now Display The Result */
/* EOF: pictemp.c */

after i build the program, i got this error :
"undefined identifier: GO_DONE"

can anyone help me regarding this matter?

Microchip changed the register name to 'ADGO'

Change your GODONE's to ADGO.

ok i changed the GODONE to ADGO and the compiler said there's no error in the program. But when when i load the program to the PIC16f877a all that is displayed are all 4 7-segment showing what do you think is the problem now??

I think I need a header file for this project..can someone help with the header file please??

Added after 2 hours 44 minutes:

The display still doesn't change. It still displaying Does anyone know what the problem is?

i 've the same project right now and i've the same problems
could u post ur final code (if u don't mind)
thanx alot

Basically the above code is my final code..
You just have to change GODONE to ADGO..

can u give me a schematic diagram of this temperature sensor that you made now?....plz..tnx..
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