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tda2040 audio amplifier circuit

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Apr 27, 2013
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hello forum.
ı want to build a audio amplifier circuit. And ı built this circuit. But output power is reasonable at 20 hz or 2 khz or 10 khz. ( minimum value of output power is 5w) but other high frequencies such as 15khz ,20 khz , the output power is not reasonable.

what can ı do for high frequencies.

here is circuit : 1.png

output power is reasonable at 20 hz or 2 khz or 10 khz. ( minimum value of output power is 5w) but other high frequencies such as 15khz ,20 khz , the output power is not reasonable.
Means exactly what? Are you reporting simulation or measurement results. How did you determine "output power"?

If the schematic is correct, C8 gives 3 dB attenuation above 800 Hz. Nothing that can be related to the original post.

The low frequency gain is extremely high at 211 times which reduces negative feedback and increases distortion. The circuit in the datasheet has a gain of 33.3 times.

I agree that C8 and R6 cut high frequencies above 800Hz but by only -3dB. Remove them and reduce the gain.

sorry about my english
here is my simulation measurement.

this circuit have to work properly between 20 hz and 20khz.
output power have to be minumum 5 w

20 Hz simulation measurement : 20hz.png output power is 25.5 w
2 kHz simulation measurement : 2khz.png output power is 23.71w
20 khz simulation measurement : 20khz.png output power is 1.21 w (ı have to increase this power)

ı tried with smalled C8 but it gave same results.

The low frequency gain is extremely high at 211 times which reduces negative feedback and increases distortion. The circuit in the datasheet has a gain of 33.3 times.
Yes, that's surely no good idea. But according to the TDA2040 datasheet, the bandwidth should be still around 50 kHz. Thus I think it's an incorrect simulation model.

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