[SOLVED] Tascam 22-4 Relay problem

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Newbie level 6
Nov 25, 2010
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The heart of my studio is the Tascam 22-4. Yes, I like this machine a lot! No PC for me yet, however,... yesterday the relay for the realstop gets some power out of nothing. Some power or more or less. This is happening in standby mode. Or ‘stop’ if you like. While rewinding and stop, the relay won’t stop always so the tape gets a free flight all through the studio.
The relay itself works good so the driving must be the problem. I have no experience with this problem. Please, if you can help me out here, I am your friend for ever ;-)
I ‘need’ my 4 track,… I have it for over 25 years! Still in perfect condition! Well ok, the relay thing,…

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It is difficult to do much without a service manual or at least a wiring diagram. Have you tried somewhere like homerecording.com/bbs/general-discussions/analog-only/tascam-22-4-rewind-fast-forward-not-working-properly-320536/ to get hold of the service manual?

What is supposed to stop the relay? How do you know the relay is ok? As the unit is quite old the controls are likely to be switches, microswitches and relays instead of electronics so it should be possible to track down the fault. If the relay is not faulty then I would assume a microswitch (detecting end of tape) or the contacts of one of the control buttons could be the problem, or another relay.

Hi Keith,

Thanks for your answer and questioning. It put my brain to work. The machine works perfectly again. I'd like to write what I did in order for the database of the Edaboard so a similar problem can be solved in the future. First I'd like to answer you how I knew if the relay worked,… I put 10 Volt onto it and it reacted like it's supposed to do. It retracts. And when I 'put' 0 Volt onto it, it releases. And all that with many repetitions in a lab setup. So in the Tapemachine itself like I told, some Voltages came around during the ‘stopmode’ (power on and doing nothing). After studying the controller pcb I saw some power IC’s and I thought, resoldering the whole section around the relaysection. And so I did. The old trick and the machine is for many hours up and running without errors again! I am so happy with my Tascam 22-4 which is synchronized with my Atari Falcon.


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