Taking long time to synthesize WHY??

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Jun 10, 2007
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module pe(clk,i,x,p,psw,psy,mode,io,xo,po,pswo);

parameter size = 65535;//The Image size or the number of pixels in the image

//Input ports of the PROCESSING ELEMENT
input clk;
input [7:0]i;//Index of the input pixel
input [7:0]x;//Value of the pixel input
input [3:0]p;//The Index of the person whose image is being sent
input [4:0]psw;//Partial Sum for weight updating
input [12:0]psy;//Partial Sum for output calculation
input [1:0]mode;//To select the operation as Recognition Phase or Training Phase 00,01- Recognition
					//10 - Trainging and Weight Updating 11 - Projection Calculation

//Output ports of the PROCESSING ELEMENT

output [7:0]io;//The index of the pixel which is evaluated at this PE and going to next PE
output [7:0]xo;//The value of pixel going to next PE
output [3:0]po;//The index value of the person whose image is under processing
output [4:0]pswo;//The calculated the Partial Sum of Weight update sent to next PE as well as stored here
//output [12:0]psyo;//The calculated the Partial Sum of output sent to next PE as well as stored here

//Register Declarations inside the PROCESSING ELEMENT

reg [4:0]w [65535:0];//A register in the processig element to store the weights of the Image
reg [12:0]ylearn [15:0];//A register to store the projection "Y" of each image max 16 images 
reg [4:0]psw1;//A register to store the partial sum evaluated 
reg [12:0]pso1;//A register to store the Partial Sum for evaluating the output projection " Y ".
reg [15:0]count;
//Wire Declaration as used inside the processing element

wire [4:0]w1;

wire [12:0]psj;
wire [4:0]pswo;

//Instantiation of the ckt for the 2nd Step of Weight Update
//Here  'g' is the Partial sum and 'w1' is the Updated weight

//decoder dec(mode,sel);// Adecoder is used just to evaluate the mode of operation

//Initially the logic is selected depending upon the mode of operation
//The below case logic coverts into a Multiplexer
out2 s2(clk,i,w[i],ylearn[p],x,psw1,w1);
out1 s1(clk,x,w[i],psy,psj);

//First Mode of Operation when the projections are to be evaluated.
always @(x or clk)
count <= count + 1 ;
if(mode == 2'b10 || mode == 2'b11)//It checks if the mode of operation is for Output evaluation
		pso1 <= pso1 + psj; //Keeps on accumulating the Partial Sum for Output evaluation
			if(count==65535)//If one image has passed then it starts assigning the outputs . size is a parmameter holding the image size.
					ylearn[p] <= psj;//The Output is assigned
//Once all the outputs are evaluated the mode is changed to 00 or 01 to Update the weights.

if(mode == 2'b00 || mode == 2'b01)//Checks for the mode of operation
		psw1 <= psw + (w[i]*ylearn[p]);//PSW1 accumulates the partial sum of the weight updation formula 
													//Now for the jth PE if the PS has been evaluattes
	   w[i] <= w1;					//The new updated weight from the Out2 module gets updated
		assign pswo =  psw1;// Assigns the value of psw1 to psw whenevr it changes.
assign io = i;
assign xo = x;
assign po = p;

It won't synthesize due to missing out1 and out2.

always @(x or clk) ... probably should be ... always @(posedge clk)

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