Advanced Member level 3

dma controller synopsys
The Intel 8237A is a simple DMA controller. In order to simplify using this controller for educational purposes, many of the advanced features have been removed. A detailed description of what is supported and what is not supported can be found below. The 8237A can be easily incorporated into a design with minimal setup and/or initialization required. The provided design is also synthesizable through Synopsys dc_shell and a testbench is also provided to demostrate the programming and DMA operations.
1. h**p://www.cs.ucr.edu/~dalton/i8237a/
* -> t
The Intel 8237A is a simple DMA controller. In order to simplify using this controller for educational purposes, many of the advanced features have been removed. A detailed description of what is supported and what is not supported can be found below. The 8237A can be easily incorporated into a design with minimal setup and/or initialization required. The provided design is also synthesizable through Synopsys dc_shell and a testbench is also provided to demostrate the programming and DMA operations.
1. h**p://www.cs.ucr.edu/~dalton/i8237a/
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