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[PIC] Supervisory Control for a Intelligent Battery Charger

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Eugene Mongoose

Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jun 20, 2014
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Hi guys,

I need help with a project I am doing.
I am designing a battery charger that will allow me to control the charging current of a dedicated battery charger IC that is connected to a PIC18F4431. Is there anyone who knows how to go about doing it?

Hi guys,

I need help with a project I am doing.
I am designing a battery charger that will allow me to control the charging current of a dedicated battery charger IC that is connected to a PIC18F4431. Is there anyone who knows how to go about doing it?
you can use a device such as the ACS712 to measure the current
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feed its output into a PIC18 ADC.
Use PWM to control the current?

BQ2031 is also battery charging IC which can help you. wich gives intreface with controller too.

BQ2031 is also battery charging IC which can help you. wich gives intreface with controller too.

I am currently tied down to the MAX846A battery charger IC. is there any forum or whatsoever not that can provided me with reference C codes to write the program as I would admit that I am not very well verse with C code programming

you can use a device such as the ACS712 to measure the current
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feed its output into a PIC18 ADC.
Use PWM to control the current?

Thats the general idea that was given to me as well. but I could do with some practical examples as I am really clueless as to how to go about starting the programming.
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