Stop Watch on Xilinx FPGA board Verilog

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Newbie level 5
Feb 15, 2015
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Hi I tried to use verilog to develop a stop watch on a fpga board seven segment display. It doesn't count correctly (See the video: I guess the problem is from the counter.v and top.v? However, I can't figure what's wrong with the code. Hopefully, someone can give some hints.

// 4 digit enable module

module enable_sr(
input         clk,
output        enable_D1,
output        enable_D2,
output        enable_D3,
output        enable_D4

reg [3:0] pattern = 4'b0111;

assign enable_D1 = pattern[3];
assign enable_D2 = pattern[2];
assign enable_D3 = pattern[1];
assign enable_D4 = pattern[0];

always @(posedge clk) begin
  pattern <= {pattern[0],pattern[3:1]};


// counter module

module counter(
input button0,
input button1,
input clk_point1hz,
output reg reg_d0,
output reg reg_d1,
output reg reg_d2,
output reg reg_d3

reg stop;
wire reset;

assign reset = button1;

always @(posedge button0)
stop <= ~stop;

always @(posedge clk_point1hz)

if (stop == 1 && reset ==1) begin 

reg_d0 <= 0;
reg_d1 <= 0;
reg_d2 <= 0;
reg_d3 <= 0;

end else if (stop == 1) begin

reg_d0 <= reg_d0;
reg_d1 <= reg_d1;
reg_d2 <= reg_d2;
reg_d3 <= reg_d3;

end else if (stop != 1) //if no stop
   if(reg_d0 == 9) //xxx9 
      begin //if_0
      reg_d0 <= 0;

    if (reg_d1 == 9) //xx99
       begin  // if_1
       reg_d1 <= 0;

       if (reg_d2 == 9) //x999 
           begin //if_2
           reg_d2 <= 0;

           if(reg_d3 == 9) //9999
              reg_d3 <= 0;
              reg_d3 <= reg_d3 + 1;
             end    // end if-2

       else //else_2
        reg_d2 <= reg_d2 + 1;

    else //else_1
      reg_d1 <= reg_d1 + 1;

   else //else_0
     reg_d0 <= reg_d0 + 1;


// seven segment display module

module ssd(
    input [3:0] hex,
    output reg [6:0] segment,
     output dp

always @ (*)

   case (hex) // use little endian, so need to reverse the ucf segment as it uses big endian
        0: segment = 7'b0000001;
        1: segment = 7'b1001111;
        2: segment = 7'b0010010;
        3: segment = 7'b0000110;
        4: segment = 7'b1001100;
        5: segment = 7'b0100100;
        6: segment = 7'b0100010;
        7: segment = 7'b0001101;
        8: segment = 7'b0000000;
        9: segment = 7'b0000100;
      default: segment = 7'b0000001;


assign dp = 4'b1111;


// top module

module top(
input clk,
input button_n,
input reset_n,
output [6:0] segment,
output enable_D1,//right most digit
output enable_D2,
output enable_D3,
output enable_D4,//left most digit
output dp,
output reg_d0,
output reg_d1,
output reg_d2,
output reg_d3

wire clk_point1hz;
wire refreshClk;
reg [3:0] hex;

clock_gen Uclk_gen(

enable_sr Uenable(

counter Ucounter(

ssd Ussd(

always @ (*)


if (enable_D1 == 1 && enable_D2 == 1 && enable_D3 == 1 && enable_D4 == 0) 
assign hex = reg_d0;

else if (enable_D1 == 1 && enable_D2 == 1 && enable_D3 == 0 && enable_D4== 1) 
assign hex = reg_d1;

else if(enable_D1 == 1 && enable_D2 == 0 && enable_D3 == 1 && enable_D4 == 1) 
assign hex = reg_d2;

else if(enable_D1 == 0 && enable_D2 == 0 && enable_D3 == 0 && enable_D4 == 1) 
assign hex = reg_d3;



The problem is probably more a system design problem. There are a few poor design practices in the code.

1. You generate clocks with logic. Instead you should generate clock enable signals and use the same system clock all over.

2. Using buttons without debouncing them. When you press a button it actually bounces back and forth between 0 and 1 got a short period.

3. Are you sure you meant a all your counters to be nested inside each other?

Hi thanks for the advice. For the first one, it is required and provided in the project assignment. The second one yes thanks I will pay attention to the denouncing. The reason I used nested if to check the lsb to msb one by one. That is the only way I can think of. It will be great if there is any hints on the counter.

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