STEPPER MOTOR - how doesthey work ?

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A stepper motor typically has 4 coils. Inside the motor, these coils relate to metal parts on the shaft in such a way that each step is only so many degrees. One stepper motor I use has 20 steps per rotation, or 18 degrees per step.

By activating the coils in sequence, the motor only rotates to the next step. Coil one is 0 degrees, turn on coil 2 while turning off coil 1, 18 degrees. Turn on coil 3 while turning off coil 2, 27 degrees. You have a very precise control of how fast the motor turns in a single rotation. You can hold one coil on and not step, thereby locking the motor. To turn the other way, reverse steps.

Another kind of stepper motor only has 2 coils. You reverse the voltage alternately on each coil to get the next step.

I've seen stepper motors that had 400 steps per revolution that I've pulled off old hard drives.


can u explain the interfacing of stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller??


You can use "pic simulator IDE" There is a version for 8051 also

This software got stepper motor indicator ( 2 coils)
Got basic and assambler as compiler.


give them the rod instead of fish..

those simple questions have answers at google...

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