ST20 c & ST20 Toolset

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Newbie level 2
Jun 4, 2004
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st20 toolset


Im looking for "ST20 toolset" serached all over the net, if anyone got it could u plz send it to my mail adresse? Don't got so much points here :S

Got the st20 c2/c4 core instruction pdf file if anyone is intereseted, seen some guys asking for it, when i looked for it here


st20 toolset

take a look at h**p://

jtag dcu3

I need some info of the ST20 for the educational purposes. It's very hard to find usefull information in the net.

dcu3 jtag

really I dunno why it's hard to find stuffs about st20
is it a secret microcontroller?

st20 c2 c4 core instruction set reference manual

its not complete secret, but you have to signe some non-disclosure-agreements if you order some of the eval boards to develop your own STB or similar.

what info do you exactly request?

Help me
I need ST 20 c2/c

st20 toolset v2.12

To Nerd77
I have ST20 & Toolset 1.9.1
have fun

osplus os21

there is something here :

and me need it too !( last Version ) PLS !

dcu3 jtag download

i want it to but i do not know how to get it

st20 tool set

need all the tool set plz, i can't find it on the web

st20 core

If you sign up at you can email them for the username and password to their ftp site.It has all the toolsets up to the latest version.

manual ftemaximal

have you tested this or is it your assumption that you will get a free access to the ST20 stuff?

toolset do st20

nerd77 said:
have you tested this or is it your assumption that you will get a free access to the ST20 stuff?
I made my own dcu3 jtag with v2.3.1 and just downloaded old v1.8.1 and v1.9.6 to work on projects that were written with those.
You need an ftp client to get in,that's why it remains invisible to regular webbrowser users.They have 2 ftp sites,1 is in europe.

Added after 6 minutes:

they also have osplus for download.

OSPlus is an enhancement package for the OS20 and OS21 operating systems. It provides several new APIs that enable device drivers and I/O infrastructure.
How this document is organized In this manual, OSPlus functions are divided into a number of services. Each of the major service types is described separately, using a common layout:
● an overview of the service and the facilities it provides
● a list of the macros, types and functions defined by the service header file
● a detailed description of each of the functions in the service

Re: toolset do st20

how about sti5105 is st20 c2 ?

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