Square waveform to a tone circuit

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 5, 2005
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analysis of tone circuit

I have different amplifiers with different tone circuits

When i run a Squarewaveform function generator through the amplifier/tone circuit i adjust the treble,bass,midrange parameters.

What is it doing to the Squarewaveform? What kind of signal or waveform analysis is this what im doing? what kind of information am i getting out of it?

When i use a Triangle waveform function generator on the input of the circuit , what does the triangle waveform tell about the signal or waveform analysis of the circuit of the amplifier or tone circuit?

Can the triangle waveform tell the Slope? linearity? rate of change? center frequency?

Why would i use a triangle waveform for analysis for a amplifier or tone circuit? What can i tell me?

change waveform circuit

A tone control boosts or cuts low frequencies and high frequencies.
You would need to use a variable sine-wave frequency input and measure the level of the amplifier's output to see their effect. An FFT analysis can also be done.

A square-wave can show phase-shift.
A triangle-wave can show severe non-linearity but a distortion analyser is much more sensitive.

fundamental frequency of the square waveform

Usual function generator signal is too poor to reveal nonlinearities that could be perceived easily by a trained ear. In contrast, part of the phase information contained e. g. in the reproduction of a square wave isn't related to a hearable quality.

"A square-wave can show phase-shift"

1.) Like what kind?

When i move the bass,midrange,treble paramters its changes the shape of the squarewave.

2.) How can i measure these changes?

3.) What is it doing to the squarewaveform?

"A triangle-wave can show severe non-linearity"

4.) Like what kind of non-linearity?

You can't hear the phase changes from a tone conrol with a square-wave signal but you can certainly hear it cut or boost the harmonics. (unless you are deaf or your tweeters are blown).

Added after 3 minutes:

The changing shape of a square-wave by a tone control is difficult to measure. It is easier to measure the frequency response changes and the change of phase directly.

The changing shape of a square-wave by a tone control is difficult to measure.

1.) Why is it so difficult? the shape changes so why can't i measure it?

It is easier to measure the frequency response changes and the change of phase directly.

2.) How can you measure the phase directly?

3.) Using a Triangle waveform can tell us what type of analysis with a amplifier or tone circuit?

Is this idea of tesing the tone circuit with a square/triangular wave a standard practice in audio testing or is it your own idea?
A square or triangular wave contains a sine wave at the basic frequency of the wave(fundamental) along with odd harmonic sine waves starting at 3x the fundamental frequency.The amplitude of the harmonics in relation to the fundamental reduces in proportion to the order of the harmonic frequency, for a square wave and as per square of the order in case of a triangular wave. So if you apply a sweep frequency square/triangular wave to a tone circuit, it should change to a sine wave at the cut off frequencies of the filter, again it is only a qualitative measurement, unless you perform a fourier analysis of the output wave form.

Is this idea of tesing the tone circuit with a square/triangular wave a standard practice in audio testing or is it your own idea?

Yes, I'm wondering what would a square or triangle waveforms tell me during testing?

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