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SPICE model for TL494 PWM - runs in SIMetrix

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Apr 29, 2011
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The original files for the following are at:

**broken link removed**

I have repeated the netlist part here: - copy them into Notepad to view them properly. There is also a SIMetrix schematic version there that should run in the evaluation version ok.

Chrs, SimonH.

***					[email][/email] 30Apr2013	***
***	See: "TL494 PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS" to be found at: 		***
***														***
***		[url][/url]					***
***														***
***	The Test circuit schematic is based on that in Figure 1 on page 6.		***
***														***
*/////// Formatted for Wordpad  Formatted for Wordpad  Formatted for Wordpad \\\\\\\***
***	To run this deck open a "SIMetrix Command Shell" window (the one that opens 	***
***	when you click on your SIMetrix desktop icon) then go to the "Simulator" drop	***
***	down menu then select "Run Netlist ..." (or you could type <Alt>+l, then n)	***
***	to open the "Script File" explorer window.  Search for this file.  Once you	***
***	have located it, double-click on it open.  The simulation should run and plot	***
***	the Voltage Waveforms as in Figure 1 on page 6 of the TL494	Datasheet.  To 	***
***	see tham stacked as in Fig 1, select the "Curves" pull-down menu on the plot 	***
***	window, then Stack All Curves.								***
***														***
***	NOTE: You will need to alter the .inc line to point to where you have saved 	***
***	the TL494.ckt sub-circuit file before running the simulation.  Also see foot-	***
***	note at end of this file.									***
***					Start the Testbench Netlist					***
***	First, declare some parameters:

	.param	Vdc=15		; Sets VCC
	.param	tr=5n	tf={tr}
	.param	Fosc=10k		; not used in main circuit: sets up DTC and FB timing
	.param	Vth_DTC = 3.0	; = typ, max = 3.3V
	.param	Vth_FB  = 4.0	; = typ, max = 4.5

***	then hookup the circuit:

	+	E1 	E2	C2	VCC	CTRL	REF	2IN-	2IN+		
	+	TL494

	Vsupply	Vsupply 0	{Vdc}
	Rsupply	Vsupply VCC	1
	Rgnd		GND     0	0.01

	R_C1		VCC C1	150	; Output 1
	R_C2		VCC C2	150	; Output 2

	R_E1		E1  GND	1	; Testpoint 1
	R_E2		E2  GND	1	; Testpoint 2

	R_1in+	1IN+	0	1K	; Sense input current
	R_2in+	2IN+	0	1K	; Sense input current

	R_ctrl	CTRL REF	1

	R_1in-	1IN-	REF	1K	; Sense input current
	R_2in-	2IN-	REF	1K	; Sense input current

	R_Rt		RT    0	12K	; 12k sets Fosc to 10kHz, 1.5K < R_Rt < 500K
	C_Ct		CT    0	10n	; 10n sets Fosc to 10kHz, 470p < C_Ct < 10uF

	R_DTC		DTC	TST1	1K	; Senses input current
	R_FB		FB	TST2  1K	; Senses input current

***	set up the inputs:

	V_DTC		TST1	0	PWL	( 0   0	{9/Fosc}	{1.1*Vth_DTC}	{9/Fosc+tf}	0 )
	V_FB		TST2  0	PWL	( 0   0.7	{11/Fosc}	0.7	{19/Fosc}	{1.1*Vth_FB} )

***	and do a bit of housekeeping: - load sub-ckt file from the directory you placed 
***	it in: (probably with this netlist)

	.inc C:\Documents\IPcells\PWM\model\SIMetrix\TL494.ckt

***	set up the simulation deck:
***	run DC operating point to check everything OK:

*	.op			; used for debug only.

***	then run the sim proper:

	.tran 50n 2.2m 0 200n	UIC
*	.tran 50n 0.5m 0 200n	UIC

***	and plot outputs:

	.graph FB

	.graph DTC 
	.graph CT

	.graph C2
	.graph C1

*	.graph 1IN+
*	.graph 1IN-
*	.graph 2IN+
*	.graph 2IN-
*	.graph CTRL

*	.graph E1
*	.graph E1

*	.graph REF

*	.graph VCC
*	.graph GND

*	.graph TST1
*	.graph TST2

***	FOOTNOTE: The sub-circuit called implements an Hspice node controlled 		***
***	resistor, so we need to add a file called DeviceConfig.sxdcf containing the 	***
***	line:													***
***			ModelName=R,Level=0,Device=HspiceRes,Letter=R				***
***	to the												***
***			C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMetrixIntro560\support\			***
***	and the												***
***			C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMetrix550\support\				***
***														***
***	directory paths to allow SIMetrix to handle that form of resistor definition.	***
***														***
***	REMEMBER to close then re-open SIMetrix to enable the directive.			***
***		   and to put a Carriage Return at end of line after the "R".		***
***														***
***	This netlist should run OK under any of the evaluation versions.  It has only	***
***	been checked on SIMetrix versions Micron A-D 5.40 and SIMetrix Simplis 5.50, 	***
***	and 5.60.  Other versions may need different patches to the netlists to get 	***
***	them to run correctly.										***

***	TL494.ckt				[email][/email] 30Apr2013	***
***	Original netlist appears at:							***
***											***
***	[I]**broken link removed**[/I]				***
***											***
***	Edited here by [email][/email] for SIMetrix User Group and for its 	***
***	members personal and private study only.  Not to be used for fiscal gain.	***
***											***
***	     Formatted for Notepad Formatted for Notepad Formatted for Notepad 		***
***	Changes made:									***
***	Pspice's $ replaced by SIMetrix's ;						***
***	Carriage return removed from end of .SUBCKT, E4 and E9 lines			***
***	Pin order re-arranged to match package						***
***	Nodes re-named to match pin names						***
***	G1 CT GND VALUE = {I(VOSS)}	changed to:	F1 CT GND VOSS 1		***
***	VALUE = fn1 & fn2		changed to:	VALUE = fn1 && fn2		***
***	Oscillator section substantially re-written fo function in both SIMetrix 	***
***	and Hspice - refer to inline annotation.					***


***	Old Oscillator Section ************************************************************
*	G1 	CT GND 		VALUE = {I(VOSS)}
*	Rk 	CT   9 		{ 10+1000*EXP(-V(CT)/0.4) }
*	S1 	9    2 CT GND 	SV2
*	V4 	GND 2 		3
*	S2 	RT  15 CT GND 	SV8
*	VOSS 	15 GND 		3

***	New Oscillator Section ************************************************************

	Ein 	In  	0 	CT 	GND 		1 	; connects input to CT for feedback from SRFF
	RfixIn In 0 1e012					; suppresses "singular supply" warning for E1

***	Set VHYS=2.9 to make f = 1/(Rt*Ct) set to 2.4 to centre on TL494 response.
***	Ensure VTHR-VHYS/2 > 0V and VTHR+VHYS/2 < Vdc

	X1 	In 	In 	Q 	QB 	GND	SRFF	 VHYS=2.4	VTHR={VHYS/2+50m}
	RfixQ		Q	0	1e12			; suppresses "1 connection at node 0:q"  warning
	RfixQB	QB	0	1e12				; suppresses "1 connection at node 0:qb" warning

	VOSS 	3V0	GND 		3			; biases RT to set up reference current
	R_S2	RT	3V0			{ 1e12*(1+((0.501-v(QB)) /(  ((0.501-v(QB) )**2)**0.5 + 1e-12) ) +  1e-14  ) }

	Fup	GND     CT 	VOSS	-1			; CCCS - charges CT
	Rpd	CT	GND 			{ 1e12*(1+((0.49-v(Q)) /(  ((0.49-v(Q) )**2)**0.5 + 1e-12) ) +  1e-12  ) }

	RDlmtP	CT 	VCC		{ 1e12*(1+((-v(CT,VCC) )/(  ((-v(CT,VCC)  )**2)**0.5 + 1e-12)) + 1e-11 ) }
	RDlmtN	GND     CT		{ 1e12*(1+((-v(GND,CT))/(  ((-v(GND,CT) )**2)**0.5 + 1e-12)) + 1e-11 ) }


***	===================================================================================
***	NOTE: internal FF relys on delay through output buffers to hold previous state.
***	NSet input inverted to become a Set.  NR and S thresholds have been altered to
***	become hysteretic inputs.  

	.param 				ron=2k 	roff=1G

	RQi	VSS  Qi			{ron*(1+(0.51-v(QB))/(ABS(0.51-v(QB))+ron/roff))}
	IQi	VSS  Qi			{1/(2*ron)}
	CQi	VSS  Q			2p

	RQBi	VSS  QBi		{ron*(1+(0.51-v(Q) )/(ABS(0.51-v(Q) )+ron/roff))}
	IQBi	VSS  QBi		{1/(2*ron)}
	CQBi	VSS  QB			2p

	.param				vSET=VTHR+VHYS/2 	vRST=VTHR-VHYS/2

	RS	VSS  QBi		{roff*(1+(vSET-v(S) )/(ABS(vSET-v(S) )+100/roff))}
	RR	VSS  Qi			{roff*(1+(v(NR)-vRST)/(ABS(v(NR)-vRST)+100/roff))}

	RQ	OUT  Q			{ron}
	RQB	OUTB QB			{ron}

***	===================================================================================
***	Debug hooks - "comment" out in final netlist:

*	.nodeset Qi = 0	QBi =1
*	.graph	Q
*	.graph	QB	
***	===================================================================================
	.ends SRFF

***	Return to the re-formatted but otherwise unaltered netlist:			***

***	Dead-Time Control Comparator ******************************************************

	V6 	16 DTC 		0.12	; offset DTC input
	S4 	DTM  23 CT 16 	SV6	; VON=1m VOFF=1m - compare DTC with CT
	V8 	23  GND 	10	; 10V source wrt GND = comparators' output via S4
	R19 	DTM GND 	100	; load V8 via S4

***	===================================================================================
***	Debug hooks - "comment" out in final netlist:

*	.graph	DTM

***	===================================================================================

***	Error Amplifiers ******************************************************************

	R7 	GND 1IN+ 	500K
	R8 	GND 1IN- 	500K
	RE1 	1IN+ 1IN- 	1G				; added by E1
	E1 	7 GND 		TABLE {V(1IN+,1IN-)} = (0,0) (0.4M,4) (20M,5)
	R11 	11 7 		100
	C2 	11 GND 		200N
	R14 	Err1 11 	150
	C4 	Err1 GND 	100N

	R9 	GND 2IN+ 	500K
	R10 	GND 2IN- 	500K
	RE2 	2IN+ 2IN- 	1G				; added by E2
	E2 	8 GND 		TABLE {V(2IN+,2IN-)} = (0,0) (0.4M,4) (20M,5)
	R12 	12 8 		100
	C3 	12 GND 		200N
	R15 	Err2 12 	150
	C5 	Err2 GND 	100N

	I1 	FB GND 		DC 0.7M 	AC 1 0		; bias FB node

***	===================================================================================
***	Debug only - "comment" out in final netlist:

*	.graph	FB

***	===================================================================================

***	Pulse Width Modulator Comparator***************************************************

	V7	20  CT 		0.7	; offset CT
	S3 	PWM DTM 20 FB 	SV6	; compare CT with FB, gate DTM to PWM (= input CLK to PSFF)
	R18 	PWM GND 	100	; loads 10V source via S4 and S3, leads to Output S&H (below)

***	===================================================================================
***	Debug only - "comment" out in final netlist:

*	.graph	PWM

***	===================================================================================

***	Output Control ********************************************************************
***	This snippet uses a VCVS implementation of NAND gate only logic - for example:
***	E4 functions as a 3 input NAND gate thus: 
***				VALUE=5-5*(IF E3_M2 > 0.8         AND    PWM > 0.8         AND E8_M4 > 0.8           THEN 1 ELSE 0)
***				                 |                       |                        |
	E4 	28 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M2)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(PWM)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(M4)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}
	R21 	M3  28 		400	; M3 goes to the 1st Input of NAND2_E7
	C7 	M3 GND 		20P	; and the 1st input to NAND2_E8  (both below)

***	===================================================================================
***	The use of NAND only logic to implement the control function means that any
***	schematic drawn for this netlist will look very different to the schematic for this 
***	same block as depicted in the datasheet or any application note dealing with the 
***	TL494.  The following nodes on the left of each equality:
***		PWM =	C1 input to the Pulse-Steering Flip-Flop
***		M3  =	1D input (and QB output) to the Pulse-Steering Flip-Flop
***	    not_M3  =	Q output of the Pulse-Steering Flip-Flop
***		M6  =	output of the upper AND gate leading to Q1
***	    not_M6  =	output of the lower AND gate 
***		40  =	Q1's base
***		39  -	Q2's base
***	correlate to the right hand nodes, which may be found in the Functional Block 
***	Diagram on page 2 of the Datasheet.
***	===================================================================================
***	Debug only - "comment" out in final netlist:

*		.graph	M3	
*		.graph	M6	
*		.graph	39	
*		.graph	40	

***	===================================================================================
***	E7, E6, E8, E5 and E3 are examples of a 2 input NAND gate implementation:

	E7 	36 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M3)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(M5)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}	; =5*(1-(IF E4_M3>0.8 AND E6_M5>0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0))
	R26 	M6  36 		400
	R29 	GND M6 		10K	; M6 feeds into 2nd input of NAND2_E6
	C10 	M6 GND 		20P	; and to 2nd Input of NAND2_E8 (both below)
	R30 	40  M6 		1K	
	S9 	GND 40 CTRL GND SV7	; Clamps M6, Node 40 outputs to Q1 via S6 (near end, below) 

	E6 	34 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M2)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(M6)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}	; =5*(1-(IF E3_M2>0.8 AND E7_M6>0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0))
	R25 	M5  34 		400
	R28 	39  M5 		1K	; M5 feeds into 2nd input to NAND2_E7 (above)
	C9 	M5 GND 		20P	; only

	E8 	38 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M3)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(M6)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}	; =5*(1-(IF M3>0.8 AND M6>0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0))
	R27 	M4 38  		400	; M4 feeds into 1st input to NAND2_E5 (below)
	C11 	M4 GND 		20P	; and 3rd input of NAND3_E4 (above)

	E5 	30 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M4)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(M2)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}	; =5*(1-(IF M4>0.8 AND M2>0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0))
	R22 	M1 30 		400	; M1 feeds into 1st input to NAND3_E3 (below)
	C8  	M1 GND 		20P	; only

	E3 	26 GND 		VALUE = {5-5*((V(M1)>(V(GND)+0.8)) && (V(PWM)>(V(GND)+0.8)))}	; =5*(1-(IF M1>0.8 AND PWM>0.8 THEN 1 ELSE 0))
	R20 	M2 26 		400	; M2 feeds into 1st input to NAND3_E4 (above)
	C6 	M2 GND 		20P	; only

***	Output S&H ************************************************************************

	R23	      31  PWM 	1K		; PWM bypass to S&H on output devices Q1 and Q2

	C12 	      31 40 	20P		; Q1 input = S&H gated by M6 (below)
	S6 	C1 42 31 40 	SV1		; connects C1 via D3 to E1, on > 7V1, off < 7V0 
	D3 	42 E1		GENERIC		; Q1e

	C13 	      31 39 	20P		; Q2 input = S&H gated by M5 (below)
	S7 	C2 44 31 39 	SV1		; connects C2 via D4 to E2, on > 7V1, off < 7V0 
	D4 	44 E2		GENERIC2	; Q2e

***	===================================================================================
***	Debug only - "comment" out in final netlist:

*	.graph	C1	
*	.graph	C2	
*	.graph	E1	
*	.graph	E2	

***	Reference and Supply **************************************************************

	E9 	REF GND 	VALUE = {5*(V(VCC,GND)>=6)+(V(VCC,GND)-1)*(V(VCC,GND)<6)*(V(VCC,GND)>1)}
	R24 	GND REF 	100K
	R17 	VCC GND 	1K

	S5	GND 20 VCC GND 	SV3	; clamps PWM off (by pulling CT to 0.7V) if VCC<6.9V


***	Define Models			  NOTE: SV2 and SV8 are not unused in final netlist

	.MODEL SV1 VSWITCH (RON=10	VON=7.1     	VOFF=7	)

*	.MODEL SV2 VSWITCH (		VT =1.48    	VH=1.49	)	; unused


	.MODEL SV6 VSWITCH (		VON=0.001		)


*	.MODEL SV8 VSWITCH (ROFF=100MEG	VT =3 		VH=-0.1	)	; unused

	.MODEL GENERIC  D (BV=500 CJO=2.5P IS=8N  M=100M N=2   RS=400M TT=1N VJ=700M)
	.MODEL GENERIC2 D (BV=500 CJO=2.5P IS=30N M=100M N=3.2 RS=4M   TT=1N VJ=400M)

	.ENDS TL494

***	NOTE: This sub-circuit uses the Hspice node controlled resistor so we need to 	***
***	add a file called DeviceConfig.sxdcf containing the line:			***
***											***
***			ModelName=R,Level=0,Device=HspiceRes,Letter=R			***
***	to the										***
***			C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMetrixIntro560\support\		***
***	and the										***
***			C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMetrix550\support\			***
***											***
***	directory paths to allow SIMetrix to handle that form of resistor definition.	***
***											***
***	REMEMBER to close then re-open SIMetrix to enable the directive.		***
***		   and to put a Carriage Return at end of line after the "R".		***
***											***
***	This netlist should run OK under any of the evaluation versions.  It has only	***
***	been checked on SIMetrix versions Micron A-D 5.40 and SIMetrix Simplis 5.50, 	***
***	and 5.60.  Other versions may need different patches to the netlists to get 	***
***	them to run correctly.								***
***											***
***	To run this deck open a "SIMetrix Command Shell" window (the one that opens 	***
***	when you run SIMetrix) then go to the "Simulator" drop down menu then select	***
***	"Run Netlist ..." (or you could type <Alt>+l, then n) to open the "Script 	***
***	File" explorer window, then search for this file.  Once you have found it, 	***
***	select it then click on [Open].  The simulation should run and plot.		***
***											***
***	TL494.ckt				[email][/email] 30Apr2013	***

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