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Soil moisture sensor

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Nov 17, 2012
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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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I want to measure the moisture content in the ground and not the temperature. Will it be able to help???

OK thank you for this... But what about the programming? I have used soil moisture along with LDR and rain sensor with MCP3204 (ADC) to interface with microcontroller. So how am i suppose to program them??? i am not able to program them...

But sir, i want it for my project purpose and is it possible to do that???

and besides this, what rain has to do here? I want to measure the soil moisture not the amount of rainwater.

I did and i found many...
but the problem is i have to connect them to ADC in order to interface them with the microcontroller. And i don't know how to program them. The ADC i am using is MCP3204 and it measures only upto 4V, so if my output exceeds 4V, i have to divide it by 2. Moreover, i have to display it on LCD and that too in percentage, but i don't know how to program them and that's my biggest problem... Please help in that.

Your question was regarding sensor. First find a sensor then only depending upon its output voltage hardware and program can be done. Your ADC can take input of 5V. It is a 12 bit adc. Why don't you use some MCU which has 12-bit adc? Why do you want to use MCP3204? First buy a soil moisture sensor and post its datasheet.

I have built soil moisture sensor using capacitance method. The normal resistance method stops functioning after some time due to corrosion.

The output pulse is proportional to the moisture content, that is 0% to 100%. 0% being dry and 100% being dipped in water.

This can be used in a 3 wires or 2 wires system.

It is undergoing practical tests.



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i want to know the VHDL coding for this moisture sensor when connected to spartan 3e

Can you please post the circuit you had used, and tell the method in which you had tested it please?

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