soc encounter installation in linux

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Nov 7, 2001
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soc encounter install

hi all,
can any one tell me how to set the path variables in Linux after installing soc encounter



edit your .bashrc file in your home directory.

how to install soc encounter

setenv SOC_HOME /install_directory

set path = ( ${SOC_HOME}/tools/bin \
${path} )

encounter installation

Don't I need to point to License file? Does SOC requires lmgrd or simply LM_LICENSE_FILE variable..

Can plz someone guide me.


how to install cadence encounter


If you want you can also use the CDS_LIC_FILE variable instead......



how to install cadence soc encounter

Thanks; it is working.

By the way; does anyone know how to configure cdsdocs (online documentation) when using both IC5 and SOC.

Secondly, I think USR file contains whole BASE with some inclusions .... so can one install SOC without BASE file?

encounter 52 install

I have a few queries. Hopefully someone can answer them.

What is the difference between BASE and USR files?

Do I only need to update the environment variables to point to the USR installation directory in order to use the USR pack?

What is the latest USR pack?

I saw in the installation directory, a directory named Buildgates. Can we use Buildgates inside SOC?


encounter license

I don't think the USR included all Base files, it's service release only, maybe can run, but i'm not sure all the functions will run correctly or not. Check the install file sizes of Base release and USR release, you will find the Base release is the biggest.

cadence soc encounter installation

setenv SOC_HOME /Cadence/SOC22
set BINDIR = /Cadence/SOC22/tools.sun4v/bin
set FEBINDIR = /Cadence/SOC22/bin
set CDS_PLAT = `${BINDIR}/cds_plat`
setenv ENCOUNTER /Cadence/SOC22
setenv SE_HOME /Cadence/SOC22/tools/dsm
setenv PKS_HOME /Cadence/SOC22/BuildGates/v05.00-p008
setenv PLATO_HOME /Cadence/SOC22/tools/plato
#setenv CADMOSHOME /Cadence/SOC22/CADMOS40/tools/pacific
setenv CADMOSHOME /Cadence/SOC22/CADMOS40/tools/celtic
setenv SIMPLEX_HOME /Cadence/FireIce_QX31

setenv LDV_HOME /Cadence/LDV40
setenv OPUS_DIR /Cadence/IC5.0
setenv TNT_INST_DIR /Cadence/SOC22

set path = ( $OPUS_DIR/tools/bin $OPUS_DIR/tools/dfII/bin $LDV_HOME/tools/verilog/bin $path )
set path = ( $SE_HOME/bin $SE_HOME/fe/bin $PKS_HOME/bin $PLATO_HOME/bin $PLATO_HOME/../bin $path )
set path = ( $ENCOUNTER/tools/bin $ENCOUNTER/tools/fe/bin $CADMOSHOME/bin $path )
set path = ( $SIMPLEX_HOME/bin $path )

setenv soc_home

What about Buildgates present in the installation directory. Can we use it? Does it require setting some environment variables?

setup soc encounter

what's the improvement from 2.2 to 3.1, I can only find the 2.2

installation of soc encounter

what are the features required to run the software ???

soc encounter installation

"set BINDIR = /Cadence/SOC22/tools.sun4v/bin
set FEBINDIR = /Cadence/SOC22/bin
set CDS_PLAT = `${BINDIR}/cds_plat`"

can you explain the difference between "set VAR_XXX = ..." and "setenv VAR_YYY ..." ? what is the first type meaning and where is it used for ?

Is there an equivalent form in BASH shell ?

cadence first encounter install

The form with set var=... or setenv var is used in CSH.
For bash, you can try:
export var or
directly export var = ...

Hope this helps! :wink:

linux install soc encounter

What should I do with USR pack? Just overwrite BASE by USR?

install soc encounter


if you execute ./ from the USR release and install the products you want, the necessary files will be installed and the unnecessary files will be removed.
you need the baseline and the usr release for this installation.


cadence encounter install

who can tell me what tools are included in SOC22? Does it is a set of layout tools or FE+BE tool set?

cadance encounter install

maniasonic said:
who can tell me what tools are included in SOC22? Does it is a set of layout tools or FE+BE tool set?

Basically it's a Place and Route tool as same as Apollo, Astro from Avant! or Blast from Magma. The name of the tool is not important because it change all the time, what it can do and what do you want to do is more important.

what is the present version of soc encounter

it's more than P&R, plus RTL2GDS flow, Fast FloorPlanning.

soc encounter bashrc

Products included in Release- SOC32
Product # Product Name Version
FE100 Cadence(R) First Encounter Ultra 2003.2
FE150 Cadence(R) NanoRoute Ultra SoC Routing Solution 2003.2
FE200 Cadence(R) SoC Encounter 2003.2
FE300 Nano Encounter 2003.2
FE71 Clock Tree Synthesis Option to First Encounter Classic or First Encounter 2003.2
FE76 First Encounter Classic 2003.2
RA100 Route Accelerator Multi-Threaded Route Option 2003.2

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