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Slip Ring Application in the Intelligent Toys

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Jul 14, 2011
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what is intelligent toy? What role does electrical slip ring play in the intelligent toys? Intelligent toy is a generic title, in many areas, intelligent is a general designation which refers to that having some automation capabilities or independently in accordance with a procedure to do some actions. And in the toy field, intelligent toy refers to the toys that can automatically complete actions designed well by the program or can record instructions or identify the instructions to finish a set of movements. Especially in Japan, this kind of toy is loved by children very much. Compared with traditional toys, intelligent toys functions for children intelligence development and inspiration are very clear and effective.

Along with the deeply development of intelligent toys, electrical slip ring technology will also become more and more advanced. Especially in the next few years the policys direction is development of new energy and new materials, the opportunity is historically unprecedented. Besides preparing for the hardware condition, each electrical slip ring manufacturer should also strengthen the training of soft power, introduction and training of electrical slip ring professionals are imperative, experienced designers and engineers are one of the main weights to decide the future competition.

Slip rings are the materials used in making intelligent toys.Application on high-performance systems control military and commercial aircraft, industrial machinery, wind energy, marine applications, and medical equipment. product series include capsule slip rings.Today, slip rings are widely used in making intelligent toys(the ones that trigger creativity in observers, especially children).

The slip ringmotor is used primarily to start a high inertia load or a load that requires a very high starting torque across the full speed range. By correctly selecting the resistors used in the secondary resistance or slipring starter, the motor is able to produce maximum torque at a relatively low current from zero speed to full speed. A secondary use of the slip ring motor, is to provide a means of speed control. Because the torque curve of the motor is effectivley modified by the resistance connected to the rotor circuit, the speed of the motor can be altered. Increasing the value of resistance on the rotor circuit will move the speed of maximum torque down. If the resistance connected to the rotor is increased beyond the point where the maximum torque occurs at zero speed, the torque will be further reduced.

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