Newbie level 4

pwm + pic16f877a
Hi everybody, am doing an inverter based on PIC 16f877A. I want to feed the analog inputs RA0 with carrier sawtooth 2000hz and input RA1 with variable sine ve om etween 2 to 70 hz so that I can compare and generate the PWM accordingly anfrptd fed to H- bridge. my question is how I can get variable sinewave from 2 to 70 hz CCP1 PWM. thanx your help
Hi everybody, am doing an inverter based on PIC 16f877A. I want to feed the analog inputs RA0 with carrier sawtooth 2000hz and input RA1 with variable sine ve om etween 2 to 70 hz so that I can compare and generate the PWM accordingly anfrptd fed to H- bridge. my question is how I can get variable sinewave from 2 to 70 hz CCP1 PWM. thanx your help