Sensor for detecting a metal sleeve in proximity?

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Full Member level 3
Sep 19, 2008
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As part of a new project, I need to detect a short 1" metal sleeve on a rubber water filled hose coming past.

The OD of the sleeve will be about the same as the OD of the hose and that is around 12mm / 1/2".
The sleeve is likely going to be stainless (rust issues) and the wall thickness is thin. Possibly around 0.8mm / 30mils.
I am not 100% sure yet what the mechanical guys are going to land on for that. The OD of the sleeve.

The hose and sleeve travel past the sensor within about 6.5mm / 1/4"

So the question is how to detect this reliably.

IR proximity seems to have issues with the signal not being very different form hose to metal.
Optical? I have concerns about this when the sleeve or hose becomes dirty and the reflection changes.

Hall effect? I don't think it can detect stainless. It will also need a biasing magnet somewhere. I am not sure.

Perhaps someone here has an idea of how to best detect this?

Best regards

I just looked at some industrial induction sensors but they are quite expensive and seem to require 10-30V DC.
I only have 4-5V DC available and not much more than 20mA of average current . I guess I can pulse the sensor to save power.
I like the hall effect idea with the magnetic bias but so far I have not found a sensor like this yet in component form.


Go for an inductive sensor.
There are so many different types around that it's likely to find a 5V supplied one.
Also look for low power and/or fast power_on timing.


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