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sending sms with pic 16f84

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Newbie level 4
Feb 21, 2006
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sms pic16f84

can anyone help me with information on how to go about doing this project im a 3rd year electrical engineering student

16f84 sms

I think, the most easiest is to do it with Siemens mobile, because they use asynchronous serial communication. Nokias use FBUS/MBUS, a little bit complicated.

You need to use AT commands, search google:
for example:

A hyperterminal emulator might help you to try the commands, how they work.

send sms pic16f84

You can find all you need about SMS in the book entitled "Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit" by Scott B. Guthery and Mary J. Cronin.
Unfortunatelly I could not attach it here but if you need send me request via e-mail and I will send you pdf version of this book.

sms com pic

Roma_te said:
You can find all you need about SMS in the book entitled "Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit" by Scott B. Guthery and Mary J. Cronin.
Unfortunatelly I could not attach it here but if you need send me request via e-mail and I will send you pdf version of this book.

Thanks i would appreciate it if you could email it to me my adrress is

sms and pic


i want to build a same project like the greenwilly project..

can you share the book "Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit" with me ?

i really appreciate your help..

i hope to hear from you as soon as possible..



pic16f84 at commands

Nokias use FBUS/MBUS, a little bit complicated.

Some newer Nokia phones support AT commands.

The 16F84 does not have a UART so you will have to send and receive serial data in software.

16f84 uart

i also need this book... please email it: moazzamshafique (at)

gammu stk

You can find book "Mobile Application Development with SMS and the SIM Toolkit" here:

pic16f84 at command

The 16F84 does not have a UART so you will have to send and receive serial data in software.

Do you mean that I can't send the sms directly to the mobile phone.???

Thanks for help

pic16f84, program command

I got the book and here you are.

pic16f84 sms

seadolphine2000 said:
The 16F84 does not have a UART so you will have to send and receive serial data in software.

Do you mean that I can't send the sms directly to the mobile phone.???

Thanks for help

You can do UART communication using 16F84. You will have to use bitbanging technique and 16F84 running at 4 MHZ, you cannot achieve good communication above 9600 baud. I would suggest you to use 16F628A which has an internal UART. Typically the default baud rated of the mobile phones are 19200 baud.



pic16f84 sms siemens


i success sending sms using pic16F84A..

1st---what phone or modem u want use.
2nd---the phone or modem must have at command
3rd--- if use PIC16F84A must use 8Mhz because the speed.
4th--- what languase u want use.(MPLAB,PIC BASIC PRO,C,PROTON)
5----- u must know about serial comunication.

hope this help u. sorry for my bad english...


greenwilly said:
can anyone help me with information on how to go about doing this project im a 3rd year electrical engineering student

You must choice another PIC, such as 16F876, with it you can send SMS anh display it to LCD.

To connect your phone to PIC, see:

If your phone support AT command, everything is very simple.

If you use Nokia phone, you can't use AT command, you must you Nokia SDK.
For more info, visit:

pic16f84 9600 4mhz

I think, the most easiest is to do it with Siemens mobile, because they use asynchronous serial communication. Nokias use FBUS/MBUS, a little bit complicated.
Actually Nokia FBUS is same as Siemens asynchronous serial communication!
And Nokia is use AT Command too!

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