Seeing code at top of forum?

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Just downloaded the page source (EDAboard homepage, or, and tried a tiny edit. Changed:
		document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + yuipath + '/animation/animation-min.js?v=4112"></script>');
		document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + yuipath + '/animation/animation-min.js?v=4112"><[COLOR="#FF0000"]\[/COLOR]/script>');
(the extra backslash near the end of the line)

Compare with other (html) lines that have <script> and </script> tags, and script lines that use this "document.write" function. This tiny edit makes those script lines look more the same (unlike now), and fixes the problem - at least when loading the edited page from local disk.

-> Doesn't look like a Firefox bug, but more like a programmer forgot a \ there (and different handling by browsers of the resulting tag soup). Edaboard webmaster, or programmer of the bulletin board software that's used? You figure it out... :razz:

If that's an advertiser inserting this code, that advertiser should be kicked for scr**ing up the site... ;-) (and if by "advertiser" you mean "the web host" then you should change hosting company ASAP).
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This is a code from official vbulletin. I tried search their forum, but support said this is a firefox bug :-D
Of course it can be fixed or corrected, but looks like they don't want?
Thanks for your support, I will try make a patch alone ;-)

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