Schematic Diagram of Synthesized Code

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Jun 10, 2007
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module system(clk,mode,x,p,pim);

parameter elements = 10;            //This is the number of processing elements we want to have it in our design.

input clk;
input [1:0]mode;
input [7:0]x;
input [3:0]p;

output [3:0]pim;

wire [elements:0] conti;
wire [elements:0] contx;
wire [elements:0] contp;
wire [elements:0] contpsw;
wire [elements:0] contpsy;
wire [7:0]tempi;
wire [7:0]tempx;
wire [3:0]tempp;
wire [4:0]temppsw;
wire [12:0]temppsy;

genvar n;

reg [15:0]count;
reg [12:0]arrayy [15:0];
reg [12:0]sumy;
reg [12:0]temp;
reg [12:0]min;
reg [3:0]index;
integer i;
//Below is the instantiation of the Processing Elements to be used. for processing

always @(posedge clk)
count <= count + 1;

assign contx[0] = x;
assign conti[0] =count;
assign contpsw[0]=0;
assign contpsy[0]=0;

generate for ( n=0;n<elements;n=n+1)
begin : pelements
pe3 process(clk,conti[n],contx[n],contp[n],contpsw[n],contpsy[n],mode,conti[n+1],contx[n+1],contp[n+1],contpsw[n+1],contpsy[n+1]);

assign  tempi = conti[elements];
assign  tempx = contx[elements];
assign  tempp = contp[elements];
assign  temppsw = contpsw[elements];
assign  temppsy = contpsy[elements];

always @(posedge clk)
if(mode == 2'b11)
	sumy <= sumy + temppsy;
	if(contp[elements] != contp[elements-1])
			 arrayy[tempp] <= sumy;

always @(posedge clk)
if(tempp == 15)
index <= 0;
min <= arrayy[index]; 
for (i=1;i<16;i=i+1)
if(min > arrayy[i])
min <= arrayy[i];
index <= i;
//Search for min in  the arrayy and then identify the index of it and  display the output
assign pim =  index;

module pe3(clk,i,x,p,psw,psyi,mode,io,xo,po,pswo,psyo);
//Here evey where PE refers to the PROCESSING ELEMENT
parameter divfac=128;					//The factor used to implement decimal multipication of learn rate and weight.
parameter size = 4;						//The Image size or the number of pixels in the image

//Input ports of the PROCESSING ELEMENT
input clk;
input [7:0]i;								//Index of the input pixel
input [7:0]x;								//Value of the pixel input
input [3:0]p;								//The Index of the person whose image is being sent
input [4:0]psw;							//Partial Sum for weight updating
input [12:0]psyi;							//Partial Sum for output calculation
input [1:0]mode;							//To select the operation as Recognition Phase or Training Phase 00,01- Recognition
												//00- Projection Evaluation in Training Phase
												//01- Weight Updation in Training Phase
												//11 - Recognition Phase
//Output ports of the PROCESSING ELEMENT

output [7:0]io;							//The index of the pixel which is evaluated at this PE and going to next PE
output [7:0]xo;							//The value of pixel going to next PE
output [3:0]po;							//The index value of the person whose image is under processing
output [4:0]pswo;							//The calculated the Partial Sum of Weight update sent to next PE as well as stored here
output [12:0]psyo;
//Register Declarations inside the PROCESSING ELEMENT

reg [4:0]w [size-1:0];					//A register in the processig element to store the weights of the Image
reg [12:0]ylearn [15:0];				//A register to store the projection "Y" of each image max 16 images 
reg [4:0]psw1;								//A register to store the partial sum evaluated 
reg [12:0]pso1;							//A register to store the Partial Sum for evaluating the output projection " Y ".
reg [15:0]count;							//A register which counts the number of pixels entered the PE and counts which helps in evaluating the Projections
reg [4:0]t;									//A register used to evaluate the Partial Sum during Weight updation
reg [12:0]yrcog;							//A register which stores the projections during the recognition phase of the new image
reg [12:0]rectmp;		
reg [12:0]psyo;					//A register which accumulates the partial sum before the projection is evaluated
//Wire Declaration as used inside the processing element
wire [4:0]w1;								//This returns the updated weight from the Out22 module and is stored in W reg.
wire [12:0]psj;							//This returns the Partial Sum for projection evaluation from the Out11 module	
wire [4:0]pswo;

out22 s2(clk,w[i],ylearn[p],x,psw1,w1); //Module which is used for Weight Updation 
out11 s1(clk,x,w[i],psy,psj);				 //module which is used for evaluating the projections

//First Mode of Operation when the projections are to be evaluated.
always @(posedge clk)						// MODE - OO coressponds to PROJECTION EVALUATION STAGE
count <= count + 1 ;							//Counter is incremented till the image end is reached
if(mode == 2'b00 )							//It checks if the mode of operation is for Output evaluation
		pso1 <= pso1 + psj; 					//Keeps on accumulating the Partial Sum for Output evaluation
			if(count==size)				   //If one image has passed then it starts assigning the outputs . size is a parmameter holding the image size.
				begin								//This is only after N clock pulses if the number of pixels in the image were N
					ylearn[p] <= psj;			//The Output is assigned to Ylearn the respective projection
//Once all the outputs are evaluated the mode is changed to 00 or 01 to Update the weights.

if(mode == 2'b01)								//MODE - 01 corresponds to evaluating and updating weights.
		t <= (w[i]*ylearn[p])/divfac;		// t register is assigned the partial sum which is divided by divfac = 128 to enable the decimal arithmatic operations
		psw1 <= psw + t;						//PSW1 accumulates the partial sum of the weight updation formula 
													//Now for the jth PE if the PS has been evaluattes
	   w[i] <= w1;								//The new updated weight from the Out2 module comes as w1 which is assigned to w[i].
		assign pswo =  psw1;					// Assigns the value of psw1 to psw whenevr it changes.
//Now we shall operate for the recognition phase.

always @(posedge clk)						//MODE - 11 Corresponds to last phase of Recognition phase which implies a new input image.
		if(mode == 2'b11)
			rectmp <=rectmp +  (x * (w[i]/128));//The register rectemp in each PE evaluated the projection and stores them in the register.
				if(i == size)					//When the entire image has passed through a processign element the projection has been computed and is assigned to a separate Register "yrcog".
				begin								//This is only after N clock pulses if the number of pixels in the image were N
					yrcog <= rectmp;
					psyo <= (psyi - yrcog);

//Recognition Phase ends here

													//Now the inputs to this PE are to be transferred to next one.
assign io = i;									//The index of the input pixel is passed onto the next PE.		
assign xo = x;									//The pixel (value) processed by this PE is passed to next for its processing.
assign po = p;									//The image index (Which number of the image is it.?) is also passed on to the next one.


module out11(clk,xi,w,psi,psj);
parameter divfac = 128;
input clk;
input [7:0] xi;			//The pixel Value input to the PS Calculator for projection.
input [7:0] w ;			//The weight vector value input to the PS Calculator for projection evaluation.
input [12:0] psi;			//The Input Partial Sum from previous clock pulse.
reg [12:0]m;				//The new evaluated output of projection 
reg [12:0]psm;				//It stores the value of the Partial Sum until the complete image has passed.
//output [12:0]t;			//The output to the Output vector "Y "
output [12:0]psj;			//The PS Accumulating register in PE which is sent as output.

		always @ (clk)
		m <= xi * (w/divfac);//It evaluates the projection and stores in m
	   psm <= m + psi;		//psma accumulates the previous partial sum with the newly evaluated .
	//	assign t= m;
		assign psj = psm; 	//The projection is assigned to the output .	

module out22(clk,w,y,xi,psw,w2);

parameter lrate= 13;			//The learning rate of the NN which is indeed (13/128) = 0.01.It simplifies the structure of the algorithm . 
parameter divfac = 128;  

input [12:0]y ;				//The input value of the Projection from the PE.
input [7:0] xi;				//The pixel on whose arrival the weights are updated.
input [4:0] w ;				//The weight value of the corresponding pixel which will be updated.
input [4:0]psw;				//The partial sum which is entering from the previous module and which needs to be accumulated.
input clk;

reg  [12:0]d;					//The register used for storing a value during the computation of weight according to Hebbian Algorithm.
reg  [20:0]out;				//The register used for storing a value during the computation of weight according to Hebbian Algorithm.
reg  [20:0]temp;		 		//The register used for storing a value during the computation of weight according to Hebbian Algorithm.
reg  [20:0]temp1;				//The register used for storing a value during the computation of weight according to Hebbian Algorithm.
reg  [15:0]y2;					//The register used for storing a value during the computation of weight according to Hebbian Algorithm.
reg [20:0]w1; 					//This is then new weight calculate at the kth time instant.					

output [20:0]w2;				//The new weight which is being evaluated is returned.
wire [20:0]w2;

				always @(posedge clk)
				 d <= (lrate * y)/divfac;   //The entire expression to be evaluated is 
			    out <= d * xi;    			 //w(k+1) = lrate*x*y - w(k) + SUMMATION(w * y)
			    temp <= out + (w/divfac);  //Now actually since we are getting pixels one by one so we keep 
			    y2 <= (w * y)/(128*128) ;  //accumulating the value in the summation which gets done at each stage of input
             temp1 <= psw + y2;			 //Finally when one Summation is done we update the weight.
		       w1 <= (temp - temp1);
				 assign w2 = w1;

The schematic layout of the code doesnt display the internal structure after synthesis.Here system is the top module .While the individual modules give a decent schematic layout afte synthesis.I am using Xilinx 9.1ise

Your code unfortunately simplifies down to "assign pim = 0". The synthesizer simply removed the unnecessary logic (everything).

I see numerous port size mismatches, arithmetic overflows/underflows, and other problems.
Some of those problems are probably causing "pim" to be zero all the time.
You should debug the code in simulation before attempting synthesis.

What do you exactly mean by arithmatic overflow and underflow ... and can you point out all the errors in width mismatch pls..
I shall be glad

Added after 2 minutes:

Pls just point out the various problem which you can identify easily to remove this problem of pim = 0 , I think by the documentation of my code u would have been easily able to get what i am trying to do.

echo47 i am waiting for your guidance

You should be simulating and debugging, instead of waiting for unreliable help!

Here's one of the underflows. You find the others!
w is a 5-bit value between 0 and 31. Dividing it by 128 always gives zero.

This looks suspicious:
always @ (clk)

The "search for min in the arrayy" loop looks suspicious. Verilog "for" loops don't work that way.

Signal "psy" is undefined.

Here are ModelSim's port size mismatch warnings:
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (13) does not match connection size (1) for port 'psyi'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (13) does not match connection size (1) for port 'psyo'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (4) does not match connection size (1) for port 'p'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (4) does not match connection size (1) for port 'po'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (5) does not match connection size (1) for port 'psw'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (5) does not match connection size (1) for port 'pswo'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'i'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'io'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 does not match connection size (1) for port 'x'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(46): [PCDPC] - Port size (8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'xo'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(129): [PCDPC] - Port size (21) does not match connection size (5) for port 'w2'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(130): [PCDPC] - Port size (13) does not match connection size (1) for port 'psi'.
Warning: (vsim-3015) system.v(130): [PCDPC] - Port size (8) does not match connection size (5) for port 'w'.

There are probably many other problems. You should find them yourself by writing a testbench and using your simulator!

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