salaries for embedded engineer

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average salary europe 2008

What about salaries in Munich? At Infineon or Siemens? Has anybody worked there? I want to hear something about these companies, please.

top salarii in europa

Much better than China, even I am in an international company.

I feel hopeless and lost.

compare income europe

Hey guys, I see people from Romania here. I have a question for you: are there positions for Analog/mixed signal/RF IC designer (designer not mask/layout engineer) in Romania? Is there any company doing this? Or they focus only on digital circuits? What are the salaries in this specific field? Thanks.

While I like Europe a lot (the best place to live yet), I can't stand the european ideology. They think that communism is cool, and they don't realize that communists were worse that nazzis. A shame for a continent which went trough both systems, they should know better. This translates in high taxes for the hard workin, capable, intelligent people and high income for the lazy ones. So what's the point to study for years, and work like hell if you finally are in the same class with the unemployed? Betters stay home, sleep, read a book, drink a beer, relax.
I have respect for indians becuase they undersood what's the idea and took the right steps.
I'am telling ya, in 20 years Europe will be swallowed by China and India like nothing. Is such an easy prey. Work and competition is not encouraged (actually, is discouraged), population grows older. Unless they change, (Western) Europe is doomed.

PS: and I partially disagree with the fact that not money is important but the living standard. Nowdays, people travel and buy things which have a standard price (like cars). If you want to stay in your contry, and not to buy a foreign car, that's fine, but once you travel abroad (like everybody else) and buy imported things, money in absolute value become very important.

Added after 1 hours 1 minutes:

Best to live in -- US, low(er) taxes although damn basta*ds they get you for social security, medicare, and other crap...

Well, not really. There is no free lunch. In terms of money, US is good, no doubt. In terms of life... well, here there is a problem. Prepare to work your ass off. No paid overtime, overtime is normal at this level. Vacation is generally 2 weeks (i.e. 10 days!), which is outrageous for an european, plus several long weekends and sick days. If you stay in the same company, you can hope to 4 weeks after several years. The worst part IMHO is the enviroment: if you had an active life before, is hard to live without shooting yourself almost anywhere except the west coast and the NY-Boston area. Even there you need some adjustments for small things (like no sidewalks ).
Taxes only look smaller, but after you ad federal tax, state tax, medicare, social security, health insurance, retirement, it becomes a lot. Prices are lower though, small (8%) or no VAT. Europe for americans (including eastern) is VERY expensive.
I know that the average salary for Master graduate with several years of experience (4-6y) is 84k$ (so called Senior Engineer).

So: if the only thing you enjoy in life is your work, US is the best in the world. As a right wing country, in US you kinda have to do everything for yourself. If you want pension, start saving money, the government won't save (or lose the money) for you. If you want long vacation, quit, take 6 months, come back, get another job (that doesn't work for foreigners unfortunatelly). If you want stable job, nice life, spare time, enjoy a city, it won't work for you.

average salalries in europe

so then, the question should be for this thread:

where is the best place to live and work as an engineer?

any swiss residents care to comment, i hear switzerland is the best place to live on earth period and also the best place to work.

more comments about this welcome!

also europe is NOT communist, it is socialist. also, who says europe is not trying the other system, what is the European Union all about ?

There is outsourcing in Europe to ex-Eastern Block countries (romania, hungary etc) while people in the western european countries suffer double digit unemployment.

job salaries in europe

Vacation is generally 2 weeks (i.e. 10 days!), which is outrageous for an european, plus several long weekends and sick days. If you stay in the same company, you can hope to 4 weeks after several years.

This is just a piece of USA republican propaganda. I live in the US and they
have as much vacation as europeans. Combined with a bunch of long weekends
flex time, sick time, personal time, etc. ....some people have from 20 days
to 60 days depending of your senority..the longer you are with the company
you will have more vacation. It is just you don't have it all together....but if
you take a long weekend and combine them with vacation days, one or two
personal days..or get a 20 to 25 days vacation.

Don't believe what the USA people say, it is all aim to make you feel like
they are the best in the world, they work harder than everyone else,etc, etc...
just a piece of crap....pure propaganda.....

italian salaries and europe

where is the best place to live and work as an engineer?

any swiss residents care to comment, i hear switzerland is the best place to live on earth period and also the best place to work.

I guess you realize that this is a question impossible to answer. It depends to much on people's goals, taste, etc. I know people who hate Switzerland, so... As for me, it sounds very good from here, but when you go and live there things are just very different.
When I said that europeans tend to be commmunist I was thinking at the intelectual class which loves the communism (not socialism)... but enough with politics.

jallem: I work in US, I have lots of friend working here, I have lots of friends working in Canada, I worked in europe, I have lots of friends workin there. Let just tell you this: whne I graduated (at 23) I had 34 days of vacation (almost 7 weeks) plus some holidays, maybe 10. A friend of mine working in germany had 6 weeks of vacation and 14 days of holidays. In US, I had 10 days of vacation, 5 days of sick leave and 5 days dicretionary, but not paid. Plus several long weekends, I don't know, maybe 10? I talked to many people and this is kind of normal situation. You compare the numbers. No coffe break, no lunch break (is from yout time), no paid overtime. Here at 10 pm you still find people in the company. Heck, at 1am you find a whole group trying to meet a deadline or discuss with a customer overseas who has different time.
Of course it depends from case to case, every company sets its own rules, but I was talking about an average. If you had a good exeperince, I am happy for you.[/code]

european salaries average

i think the question of just asking the salaries is a little vague in nature.Since the person asking it would immediately convert it to the currency of his native country and it may seem either very high or low.Things would really become clear if u know the living standards of that country.The Big Mac index isn't a joke.

Added after 3 minutes:

Also guys this is a very good thread to know who gets how much of the pie !!!!!!

Added after 9 minutes:

yeah puppet,ur thread is turning out to be a engineer's life discussion thread,and i think the mods should change the original question to the final one:which is the best place to live and work as an electronics engineer?

engineers pay europe

well salary is directly linked to quality of life and more importantly how much can your money buy in the country you live : if you make a lot of money and everything is expensive than it works out to being somewhere where you get paid less but things are less expensive: so my original salary question indirectly answers the final question of where the best place to live and work is

siemens info salary denmark

raoul posted:I dont think any salaried engineer from other countries can Afford this kind of luxuary. the cost of Living is very less in India and the Salaries are only rising

this is only partially true:India has one of the highest number of unemployed engineers.The differences is because in countries like Denmark the skill levels of all the graduated engineers wouldn't vary widely ,but in India,itsjust the opposite:guys(engineers) -(must be the IITs )from a few institutes are very highly paid whereas others diametrically get very less.So its difficult to compare,unless u know the inner details.I know this because I worked in a project in which there was a guy from an IIT who told me that there is a mad rush in India to graduate from IITs and the middle class is ready to spend any amount to get their ward into an IIT.

siemens denmark salary

well salary is directly linked to quality of life

Not really. I send you in some forgotten vilage or small city (Tulsa, Oklahoma comes to mind, or think Alabama) and I pay you a lot comparing to the prices there... guess what, you'll still get depresed. There are lots of people who care about this, and lots of peolple who can leave without a problme in a smaller/uglier/quietter place. Salaries are not realy important for the former ones.

Actually high prices tell you something: is a desired place, for some reason. Of course is cheap in a place where nobody wants to live.

compare salary in eu


Engineering&Management 30000-50000 Euro/year

Top Engineers: 30000-40000 Euro/year
Skilled engineers 20000-30000Euro/year
Average Engineer 10000-20000 Euro/year
Beginners 5000-10000 Euro/year

europe* salar* average

Hi everyone!
I couldn"t read all the replies(currently over 170) and I don't know if someone wrote about the situation in Turkey( also someone may be excluding Turkey from Europe ) .
Anyway,a fresh Electrical/Electronical Engineer is paid about 1000 $ per month,if you have experience you can start over 2000 $


study salaries in europe

It"s very hard to answer this question in the end. It took me a while to read every answer up to now...It will be a biased answer depending on each of us. I will give you my exemple..I am from Romania but I have worked and lived the last 8 years mostly in Canada. I think is one of the best places to live..or at least was. Now my personal priorities have changed..and I am leaving in Europe again..which I consider it to be better now...but only because it fits with what I want

Regards and hope to read an answer good for everyone of us

average salaryof engineer in germanyin euro

cretu why did you leave canada, why was it good, what are new priorities?

europe is not that good, high unemployment (highest since World War I) and unstable leadership in france and germany.

what are rules to buy a apartment in belgium

Puppet1 said:
cretu why did you leave canada, why was it good, what are new priorities?

europe is not that good, high unemployment (highest since World War I) and unstable leadership in france and germany.

Family related decision. Priorities ar again personal.

But I have to agree about something that is not very nice when it comes to Europe in my opinion. Politicians have nothing to do with the mentality. We have closed societies in Europe, cultures that have been around for 2000 years and foreigners are usually not very well accepted (at least in some countries).

On top of that Europe is at least 5 years behind the States or Canada in technology and there is too much politics and inertia. Too much "it works so don't improve" or "he is the master don't come with different ideas". And just like you said..not enough opportunities.

At the end of the day if you want the most chalenging oportunities and best money..North America is the best. But it suffers a little bit on the human relations part(it's too british for my taste) and the jobs have a higher volatility.

But and a nice job are not is more important


Why EU and US electronic company did not go to Vietnam!
In Vietnam, at Japanese company, 150$ for beginner, 200~300$ for skilled!
The salary is 3 times lower in domestic companies.
Software engineer earn a little higher.

higest salaries in europe

Thinkie said:
in GREECE divide these by 2.

There is a lot of unemployment here in very highly skilled personnel, thus
salaries are low.
This help us offer very competitive design services

Very competitive services?!?! Are you serious?!?! I am Greek and I can tell you one thing.. We are decades behind.. Lack of understanding and lack of higher education is what employees suffer from in this country.. We will never EVER catch up with the rest of the europeans.. How on earth do we get high skilled personel with non existing industry? Skills are acquired when working in a productive market for all I know we used to be one like 2000 years ago..

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is europe really better now for raising a family?

back in the day, it might have been, but now with globalization sweeping europe, the euro disaster, isn't europe becoming more westernized (as you put it british)...

just wondering...

also has the EU increased engineering salaries in europe or lowered them ?

imec, belgium, salaries

Look.. The British turned their back to Euro for a single reason.. They have the people ant the financial analysts to realise that the French and the Germans will try to take advantage of the EC.

Ok so what did they do? They turned down heavy industry and focused on pioneering services and latest technology production.. The outcome? a bit less than 4% of unepmloyement.. Not bad for a country with roughly the same population as Germany whereas on the other hand producing 1/5 in industry compared to the Germans.

I wish EVERY country was like Britain in that way.. What do the French and Germans do? They want the industry they also want a large share of the EU funds for agriculture while they cannot produce any quality agricultural products due to their climates. On the other hand they refuse to help Meditteranean countries like Spain Italy and Greece to promote their agriculture.

On top of that Blair was suspicious about the issue and proposed that the EU must give 40% of the funds to innovation.. The French said no because they cannot compete and effectively they would lose 40% of the funds they already use..

The outcome: Well done Tony for freezing the issue there. The French amd Germans want agriculture while they cannot produce causing Meditteranean countries to go downhill. They insist on funding their ancient production lines in the industry and REFUSE to at least give money to European Countries towards a direction that made the British go down to only 4% in unemployenment..

I say Skr the French and Germans.. They will destroy Europe!! Well done Tony someone MUST give them a lesson.. I AM SO FED UP WITH THEM..

I am Greek by the way.

salaries in eu 2008

Hi! I am originaly from The Czech Republic, now studying IT in UK. Some people here say prices and costs are important, I definitely agree with them as if you wanna beer in some pub in Prague it cost you 40p, in London it is £3. That makes a different. Anyway, after I get my master degree in computing I am looking forward move to Switzerland as my mate has lived there for couple years. Their laws are annoying (e.g. if you have flat its ilegal to use a wash machine after 10p.m. as it could disturb your neighboors etc.) but money matter is very important, there are not very high taxes and prices (in compare to London) and also healt services such as doctors, hospitals, emergencies, etc. definitely cant be worst than in UK I dont speak Italian neither French nor German but I am only 23 years old so I am ready to learn it when I get there. Apparently in Lugano area they speak Italian, in French border area they speak french and so on.

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