salaries for embedded engineer

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best salaries in europe

well ME after reading your numerous posts stating that u guyz get paid for studying, im starting to like Denmark.

does this also apply to people from other parts of the world. if im not wrong i believe that u are doing you are an undergraduate student. do master students also get paid for studying? and what language is used in institutions there?

compare salaries europe

Both bachelor and master students are paid €600 per month.
But I don't think foregniers get paid to study here.
I know Denmark has an agreement with other Nordic countries about study exchange.
This means that for example Norwegians and Swedes can apply for an education in Denmark at the same terms as a Dane.
It can be hard to get into a Medical study in for example Norway, but in Denmark it is quite easy to get in at a medical study, so there is a very high percentage of Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic medical students in Denmark.
This is starting to get a problem in Denmark, because students from the other Nordic countries take a lot of places from the Danish students in the medical studies and when they have finished their studies they move bac to their country. They are starting to worry that we will not have enough doctors in Denmark in the future because of this. It is alredy a problem and hospitals have started to hire foregin doctors to compensate.
The language used in the institutions is normally Danish, but books are mostly English, but a few institutions teach in English.
Danish is very similar to Swedish and Norwegian, so students from those countries can understand Danish. In Iceland they learn Danish in school, so they can also understand it.
If you come from other countries like Pakistan, I'm not sure it's very easy to come to study in Denmark.
I don't know how many foregneirs they accept and you will also have the language barrier allthough everyone in Denmark speaks english and most also speaks German.
It's probably easier to go to USA to study.

But when you look at the salaries, you should also consider the living costs and taxes at the same time.
The countries with the highest salaries are usally the same countries who have the highest living expenses.
Taxes in Denmark are among the highest in the world to cover for over high social expesnes.

The Economist made something called the BigMac index, which compares the price of a McDonalds BigMac burger around the world. This might sound funny, but they have found out that the price of a BigMac is one of the best indications of the living costs in a country.
You can read about the BigMac index here:

You can't just compare salaries from one country to anoter without considering the living costs in the differeent countries at the same time.
The livng expenses in poor countries are often much lower than in rich countries with high salaries.

For example I'm sure it's cheaper to live in Italy than in Denmark, not that Italy is a poor country.

danish salary


Well Bulgaria is still not part of Europe but let me inform you that
here an average engineer gets about 450 euro /month


engineer salaries europe

ME said:
For example I'm sure it's cheaper to live in Italy than in Denmark, not that Italy is a poor country.

Are you so sure? Mmmmm..... I think you have to come in Italy for a while ...... Italy in the last 3 years has become very expensive ..... this year tourism was down 20% for such reason. The compsumption go down at the end of the month ..... alot of people is getting more and more in debt. Official inflation was a joke ...... everybody knows in Italy. Now I can say that Milan is not cheaper than Munich or Berlin. And so also the rest of the country.
Engineer is paid just a bit more than a worker, like a office worker ..... new graduate at the moment find just some stage at 400-500 euro per month.
A lot of new graduate and young engineers are trying to get a job abroad ...... it's a real leak of engineer and scientist ......

And this is also a big national issue discuss on news paper ...... in Italy nobody invest in R&D ..... we are specialist of marketing and selling ..... so now we have poor products (we do the most clothes and some mechanics). Electronics doesn't exist if you don't consider STM.

If you heard about real trouble in Italy, you shouldn't be surprised.

salary imec

Dora, that's interesting. Where do you work?

good salary in europe

In India design engineer are paid in between 750 USD to 1000 USD which is a very good salary for indian living cost.

best salary in europe

Let me say something positive about Italy. They are world famous for artistic and creative skills. 40 years ago VW went there to get the body for the sports version of the beetle designed for example. It is too bad that they are not rewarding engineers with decent salaries.

salma bakr

In China, for a fresh BS engineer , the salary is about 150~200 euros per month, and for fresh MS grad, is about 300~500 eruos per moth, of course, some empoyer offer additional welfare about 50~100 euros.
In hk, the situation is 700~900 eruos for BS fresh grad, and 1100~1300 MS fresh grads.

salary engineer europe

Does somebody know a good book or software with which learn to speak Danish?

I agree, the italian situation for electronical engineers is dramatic.

imec belgium salary


Engineering&Management 60K-100K Euro/year

Top Engineers: 50K-80K Euro/year
Skilled engineers 35K-50K Euro/year
Average Engineer 25K-35K Euro/year
Beginners 20K-25K Euro/year

Averages taken from (real, i'm in that area)

average salary in eu

I can fully agree with the italian evaluation.
I live in the north east of Italy and after 20 years of economic boom, we are facing a terrible crisis, many manufacturing companies are closing, official unemployement rate is a joke, and you can see your friends around trying to get ANY work.
The average salary is about 1500 euro ( if you are lucky ) for +10 years employee and in many companies the overtime is not paid.

Italy is, a said before, the country of turism and clothes, but R&D are not existing anymore.

Hope the situation will be better in future, but I am not optimistic.


denmark engineer salary

Mandi? ...Mmmmmm....where are you from? Udine? .....

If so it was, we would be very very close .....

Greetings from Trieste

europe salary

thanks for these posts. very interesting.

Canada (all saleries are yearly & in canadian dollars)
New Grad (1 to 2 years experience) : 40k to 50k
Intermediate Eng. (2 to 5 years experience): 60 - 70k
Experienced Eng. (6 to 10 years): 70k - 90k
Senior Eng. (10 to 25+ years): 90k - 120k

for conversion to Euro, basically divide above by two. cost of living in canada is about the same as USA. taxes aer 50%. excellent socail services (750$ per year for medical), one year of university is 5000$ tuition fee. housing is affordable, 2000 square foot home with large lot (50 feet by 150 feet long) is about $250k (twice that or more if house is in Toronto or Victoria).

for more information about engineering in ontario canada please visit:


highest salary europe

Thanks for all the replies !

That really lets me know what the salaries are.

Unfortunately, I am not sure if all of you posted for just RFIC design or for ALL types of engineering.

Still, gives you an idea.

My analysis: Money is not important, it's what you can GET with that money (purchasing power).

engineering salary in europe

Since we are talking about salaries, let me mention Korea.
As a fresher with an MS, you can expect something like 1800$/month (in hand), alongwith an apartment. The apartment option varies from co. to co. though.

salaries in munich

rajath, please specify the currency, is that US $ ? Euro ?

average salaries in eu

In case people need comparison, here are the salaries and a survey in USA...

There is no clear way to how this data was compiled, so take it with a grain of salt.

**broken link removed**

best salaries europe


I live in Spain, there is little activity in field of hardware engineering here. Privileged engineers work in consultant firms, or engineering projects at system level (cellular telephony, defense, etc.), but generally most of engineers must work as medium-skilled level technicians.

A very good salary with 5-6 years of experience is 25000-30000 euros/year. It is very difficult to earn more money without become involved in commercial or management questions (and of course, leave the technical affairs for the newcomers).


salary at imec

The salary i mentioned for Korea is 1500 US$-1800US$ /month, and this is the in-hand salary, after excluding taxes and all other deductions. If
the company provides you with an aprtment , you can save big money as everything is quite cheap here.

-thread hijacker

imec salaries

Does somebody may write a salary and survey profile for the positions in the different european countries?
Is good that for the salaries, report the salary for different levels of expertise and for the survey report the cost of much important goodies such as fuel, bread, meat, car, house rent and cost, taxes and benefits.

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