salaries for embedded engineer

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engineer, belgium, salarie

OMG you guys serious? 5 years of experience and what one would assume, a grad school degree, in the silicon valley will ring your door bell (at the time you change jobs of course - no one will promote you that high in the same company) with $120,000 per year - that is one hundred and twenty thousand per year before taxes.

Sure then you need to subtract taxes, car and house payment etc, etc so what you really get as 'real' money is far less (real meaning the money you get to spend on woman, booze, the good stuff etc)

So using a cool calculator, here what your 120,000 salary will look like on a bi-weekly cycle. Yep you only get $2,870.44 every 2 weeks. Pretty lame huh!!!!

Bi-weekly Gross Pay

Federal Withholding

Social Security




Net Pay

average salary europe industries

buenos said:
I got an offer: 2500EURO/m gross in Belgium. I am a fresh graduated MSC. The task is: design embedded hardware/sw, mostly analog+ 16bit microcontrollers.

Is it bad, or good?

It is not a so good offer, u should expect something like 2150 euros /month NET

Assuming that you have 30% taxes, then your salary should be very close
to 3000EURO/m gross rather than 2500EURO/m gross.

But I am sure this company knows it, that why you see some kind of 'round' difference' of 500 euros.

500 euros gained per employer, that's interesting of course...

Best Regards,


engineer, belgium, salary

Hi Tahar,

can you give me a rough idea based on my case?

BSEE, digital IC design for around 4 years, then go for my MSc

recently seeking a job in belgium

Thanks in Advance


statistics salary engineer in european countries

The situation in Italy is very drammatic

the salary for an engineer is about 1300 Euro/month with an experience of about 3/4 years. There are very little electronic company, but the strange is that there are a lot of clever electrical engineer that are not "utilized".

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Latvia, electronics engineer
Newspapers: ~1000 Euro/month for graduate
Real: ~600-700 Euro/month for engineer with 3-10 years experience

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Are you living in Israel? It seems salaries threre are much higher than most Western European countries. how easy is it getting a job in Israel ?

overview of salaries in europe

An engineer in UK told me this:

A fresh grad entering a job in electronics in UK can expect 22000 pounds/year (33000 euros). And I think you are tax free below 30K pounds/year.

Can anybody confirm this? Is it too high or too low? It is a good deal if you are really tax free.

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The same situation (maybe a bit worse) is in Greece. Typical salaries for new graduates in electronics engineering are around 1000 euros/month gross (that kind of salary is tax free). If you have a PhD and 2-3 years of experience you can get maybe 1300 euros/month gross, but don't bet on it.

The problem is that there are no jobs for hardware engineers, most companies are not hiring, or they are hiring with very low wages. Wages have actually dropped during the past 5 years.

The cost of living is very high in Athens, you need about 400-500 euros/month for rent, to that you need to add about 200 euros bills (electricity, water, telephone and common expenses for the appartment block you live in). You also need to subtract about 15-20% of the gross salary per month for social security. Rent and bills are not tax deductible so you get taxed for paying rent. If you prepare your own food you can expect to spend another 200 euros per month, higher if you eat in restaurants. In the smaller cities it can be up to 50% cheaper, but unemployment in the country is rampant, also cities with big universities (like Thessalonika or Patra) have a shortage of available houses because of the high student population - rents there can also be higher than Athens.

Sales oriented jobs can get you more money, but income is not guaranteed (sales bonuses only apply if you achieve your targets) and once taxes start to kick in you will see the increase in salary dwindle.

An engineer with 1000 euros gross monthly salary can expect to get around 850 euros per month net (after subtracting social security), which just about cover the cost of a frugal living. Basic wages are about 600 euros/month and don't ask me how these people (a full 40% of the country work force) manage to make a living, I honestly don't know.

Social security covers heavy ailments or accidents, but offers very little coverage for common accidents or ailments, such as having a tooth filling or glasses. A common doctor examination costs from 60-100 euros, social security covers about 10% of that. So don't fall sick.

salary 2000, 4000 euros in belgium


The situation in Greece is quite bad for engineers.....
The problem is that there is so much untapped potential in this country, lots of talented engineers willing to work for low-paid work....
Greece also has a lot of ex-pats, people who live in US or UK/Germany and are
willing to return to Greece on the right opportunity.

yet the companies here are constant underachievers...

salary for europe engineer

Thinkie said:

The situation in Greece is quite bad for engineers.....
The problem is that there is so much untapped potential in this country, lots of talented engineers willing to work for low-paid work....

Well, they have to make a living somehow... Low wages is better than no wages. As for the potential, unfortunately the hardware & embedded systems market shrunk in Greece during the past five years (as did other markets). Companies closed, and those that remain can choose from a wide employee pool with good credentials. This, along with the general economic instability, lowers salaries. Only two or three bigger companies will now hire HW engineers, with low wages compared to what they'd be getting 5 years ago - and they'll tell you you should be grateful to work for them and have a stable income. Smaller companies don't exist to lure talented people away with higher wages, so the situation worsens as time passes. A lot of my old colleagues have either switched from HW to SW engineering, which has a broader market, or to sales (like I did).

Greece also has a lot of ex-pats, people who live in US or UK/Germany and are
willing to return to Greece on the right opportunity.

They're not that many, most are people who left to study and later came back. Most of those that I've met, have regretted their decision, unless they came back as pensioners, and therefore have no impact on the work market.

yet the companies here are constant underachievers...

Small to medium sized Greek companies suffer from lack of vision, forethought, state support (the government in a lot of cases actually discourages entrepreneurs), and organization. They are generally too narrow-minded or resource-constrained (or both) to think how to expand beyond the Greek market, which is at death's door if not dead already. Serious investments are rare, most people make a living on borrowed money and there's neither hope nor any work done to improve the situation. I am seriously considering leaving the country and never coming back.

salaries across eu

Not sure whether that's tax free, not likely in fact

But 22000 is a sound price


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22K is a normal first job in Uk

You should expect this to rise to 30K after 3-4 years
and over 40K for a Senior Position over 5-6 years

best salaries europe engineer

To the Danish. You dont get paid to study, well some part of it but the rest is a loan even in Denmark, second Denmark has the worlds no 1 highest income tax before Sweden which comes up at the second place. Salleries in Denmark was 2005 statistic the highest in the world, after tax however not. Denmark is together with the rest of the nordic/scandinavian countries+japan and GB the most expensive places to live in the world. For a low or medium income taker the scandinavian systems are relly great but those countries doesnt favour peoplee with ambitions. Ofcourse still better then mostt european countries when it comes to living standarrds, better be with norway as the second after luxenburg richestt country counted in GDP/capita in the world and Denmark number five.
However the scandinavian countrries has among the highest unemployment for immigrants in all europe only beteen by The Nederlands so still is not worth going there to search for work as an enginerer. Sweden however takes in quiet a fue ingenirer with long experience.

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I agree, the italian situation for electronical engineers is dramatic.
Dramatic? Are you joking?? Dramatic is too much!! Here all is sh*t . My dream is to leave this sh*tting state.

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what are salaries in france like (i saw here 2.5K to 4K a month) and what is vacation like and taxes.


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It's been some time since I worked in France, so I can't quote salaries. I do know that *now* in the IT sector the job situation is good, really good. French people I know in Paris just walk out of one job to another one, because of annoying boss, co-worker. So, for the past year at least, job market is good...

For chip design, there are less companies, but my friends are also doing well, all are employed, and got raises, or more paid vacations.
French taxes are high, 1/3 to 1/2 of your gross salary, but then public services (social security, unemployment, school, medica care) are good and nearly free.
Living in Paris is the worst choice, housing is difficult and expensive. Toulouse, Nice, Lyon, Aix-en-provence are cheaper, have better weather, and salaries are similar.

Switzerland is the USA of Europe =>*high* salaries, low taxes, hard to get a permanent work permit <= On the other hand housing in Zuerich is *expensive*, and social security (medical coverage, unemployment, retirement) is somewhat in between USA and Europe. Beautiful country, but it's difficult to obtain permanent residency. Swiss german is also a ... peculiar form of expression. They all speak good english, but without german you'll be an outsider (in the germanic CH, where the hi tech jobs mostly are).

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In Israel:

for a fresh grad:
3000-3500 Euro/month (gross)
that's 1800-2300 net.

3-6 yr exp:
3500-4500 Eu/month (gross)
(2300-2700 net)

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Greetings to all...I am glad I have come across this forum. Your discussions gave me a lot of idea.

I have read all the posts in this topic but I guess I didn't see any post stating the salary of engineers in Austria - particularly in the Graz area.

I am a Test Engineer and is expecting/hoping for a job offer there. Is 3500 Euro too high or too low? My experience in analog/mixed-signal test engineering is a bit more than 7 5 years of experience as a test technician. Also, I am about to finish my masters in electrical engineering major in microelectronics.

I would really appreciate your soonest reply.


belgium gross salary


In Iran electronic engineers with 3+ years experience are paid in between 400 USD to 900 USD , which is 2~5 times the minimum sallary paid to a worker.

The poverty line of income in Iran is about 400 USD according to the centeral bank of Iran.

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