Junior Member level 2

I am designing a microwave oscillator for use in a compact device with an overall length of less than one inch.
Since the device and its components can be treated as lumped elements, I would like to use LTSpice to simulate it.
My problem is that although there are Spice models for transistors operating at less than 1GHz, there are not many
models for devices that operate at higher frequencies. Since I am only interested in behavior at one frequency, I
hope to create an "application specific" device model from the Z-parameters obtained from the S-Parameters that are
available for a FET at a given frequency under specified bias conditions. My question is how do I derive an
equivalent circuit for a FET based upon Z-parameters? Is it reasonable to assume that the simulation would be valid
if the passive feedback network were tuned so that oscillation occurred under the specified bias conditions and
frequency for which the S-parameters were obtained?
Since the device and its components can be treated as lumped elements, I would like to use LTSpice to simulate it.
My problem is that although there are Spice models for transistors operating at less than 1GHz, there are not many
models for devices that operate at higher frequencies. Since I am only interested in behavior at one frequency, I
hope to create an "application specific" device model from the Z-parameters obtained from the S-Parameters that are
available for a FET at a given frequency under specified bias conditions. My question is how do I derive an
equivalent circuit for a FET based upon Z-parameters? Is it reasonable to assume that the simulation would be valid
if the passive feedback network were tuned so that oscillation occurred under the specified bias conditions and
frequency for which the S-parameters were obtained?
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