Routing and Crosstalk

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Jun 1, 2007
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What is Track Routing ?

what is Crosstalk glitch ?

what is crosstalk delay ?

please explain briefly

thnx in advance

the tool divide the area in a routing grid. the tools divide the area in "cluster", and says, this cluster has 12 vertical & 15 horizontal routing tracks, that's means, how many wire could be route on this cluster, and it could estimate the congestion.

the tool have some model of crosstalk, to estimate the impact of a wire on the others nets, to estimate the delay impacted on this other nets.

Due to capacitive coupling, the switching characteristics of a net are affected by simultaneous switching of nets that are in close physical proximity. This phenomenon is known as crosstalk. The net under analysis which suffers from coupling noise is referred to as victim, and all neighboring nets which contribute to coupling noise on the victim are termed as aggressors. Crosstalk can effect circuit in two ways.
1. Crosstalk delay
2. Crosstalk noise

Crosstalk delay: Consider another scenario, where both aggressor-victim nets are switching at the same time. If the aggressor-victim pair switches in mutually opposite directions, then the coupling-noise pulse can slow down the victim transition and increase the victim arrival time. On the other hand, if the aggressor-victim pair switches in the same direction, then the coupling-noise pulse can speed up the victim transition and reduce the victim arrival time. This change in the victim arrival time due to capacitive coupling is known as cross talk delay.

Crosstalk noise: Consider a case when aggressor is switching and victim is at constant level. Than transition on aggressor can cause voltage bump on the victim known as crosstalk noise or crosstalk glitch.

Track: Tracks are used by automatic router to put wires. Whole chip area is divided in tracks before routing. Width of a track in particular metal is layer is minimum width of that metal layer and another track is separated by minimum pitch. Pitch= Minimum width + Minimum spacing
ASIC-SoC-VLSI Design: Routing
**broken link removed**


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