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hello everyone
I have CC2500 Rf transiever
I want to use two module 1 as transmitter and other as receiver with 2 boards containing pic18f46k22
here is the configuration of module:
can anybody help me to interface it with pic?
or explain the working of CC2500?
thank you.
I have CC2500 Rf transiever
I want to use two module 1 as transmitter and other as receiver with 2 boards containing pic18f46k22
here is the configuration of module:
#define FSCTRL1 0x0b09
#define FSCTRL0 0x0c00
#define FREQ2 0x0d59
#define FREQ1 0x0e42
#define FREQ0 0x0f5f
#define MDMCFG4 0x1066
#define MDMCFG3 0x1175
#define MDMCFG2 0x1203
#define MDMCFG1 0x1322
#define MDMCFG0 0x14e5
#define DEVIATN 0x1543
#define FREND1 0x2156
#define FREND0 0x2210
#define MCSM1 0x1700
#define MCSM0 0x1818
#define FOCCFG 0x1916
#define BSCCFG 0x1a6c
#define AGCCTRL2 0x1bc7
#define AGCCTRL1 0x1c07
#define AGCCTRL0 0x1d10
#define FSCAL3 0x23a9
#define FSCAL2 0x240a
#define FSCAL1 0x2500
#define FSCAL0 0x2611
#define FSTEST 0x2959
#define TEST2 0x2c88
#define TEST1 0x2d31
#define TEST0 0x2e0b
#define IOCFG2 0x0029
#define IOCFG0 0x0206
#define PKTCTRL1 0x0705
#define PKTCTRL0 0x0845
#define PKTLEN 0x06ff
can anybody help me to interface it with pic?
or explain the working of CC2500?
thank you.