Regarding 16-bit multiplier

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 18, 2006
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Hi Group,

Could anyone tell me where i can get a 16-bit multiplier code in VHDL. i 'v been searching all over the net including google code search, but end up finding code that uses in-built blocks.

Tanks in advance,

below is a 8-bit shift and add multiplier code in vhdl.
u can take it as reference and design a 16-bit multiplier.

-- The multiplier
entity multiply is 
        port (load, clock	:in bit; 
	      input1, input2	:in bit_vector(7 downto 0); 
	      product		:out bit_vector(15 downto 0); 
	      output_valid	:out bit);
end multiply;
entity adder is
	port (a		:in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	      b		:in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	      ci	:in bit;
	      s		:out bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	      co	:out bit);
end adder;
entity D_latch is
	port (din 	:in bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	      dout	:out bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	      enable	:in bit);
end D_latch;
-- Simple Ripple Adder
architecture logic of adder is
	signal cw, cx	:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	cw(0) <= ci;
	cw(7 downto 1) <= cx(6 downto 0);
	cx <= (a and b) or (a and cw) or (b and cw);
	s <= a xor b xor cw;
	co <= cx(7);
end logic;
-- Rising Edge triggered latch
-- Note that 'w <=' and 'qb <=' lines have delay(after 3 ns).
-- Since these two lines are cross coupled(w with z and ,dout with qb),
-- you MUST force them to have certain amount of delay to avoid simulator
-- jamming. If you don't, the 'vsim' simulator will lock up itself and
-- you will have to force it(like Control-C) to abort.
architecture edge of D_latch is
        signal x, y, z, w, qb, e :bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	e <= 255 when enable else 0; -- vector hack
        x <=    din nand y;
        y <=    e nand (not w);
        z <=    e nand w;
        w <=    z nand x after 3ns; -- to avoid simulator jamming
        dout <= z nand qb;
        qb <=   y nand dout after 3ns; -- same
end edge;
-- Unsigned multiplier using edge triggered latches
architecture latch of multiply is
	signal mux1, mux2, mux3, mux4 	:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal control, adder_out	:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal accum			:bit_vector(15 downto 0);
	signal carry_out		:bit;

	label l1, l2, l3, l4;

	component add
		port (arg1, arg2: in bitvec; 
	        	c_in	:in bit; 
		        result	:out bitvec; 
		        c_out	:out bit);
	end component;
	for l4: add use entity adder(logic);

	component latch
		port (xin :in bitvec; xout :out bitvec; enable :in bit);
	end component;
	for l1, l2, l3: latch use entity D_latch(edge);

-- Synchronous load clears result and initializes system.
-- Use: with clock low: setup inputs, load high
-- 	clock 010
-- 	load low
-- 	clock 010 for eight counts, or until output valid
-- Control Section: Count by shifting 8 bits. 
--                  Shift with a latch and a mux in a feedback loop.
	mux1(7 downto 0) <= "11111111" when load 
	        else "0" & control(7 downto 1);
	l1: latch port map (mux1, control, clock);
	output_valid <= not(control(0));
-- The accumulator is done in two 8 bit sections for modularity.
-- adder output data (including the carry out) is right shifted
-- on its way back to the accumulator. We shift input2 (kept in
-- the low half of the accumulator) at the same time. Everything
-- happens on the rising edge of clock.
	mux2 <= 0 when load
		else carry_out & adder_out(7 downto 1);
	l2: latch port map (mux2, accum(15 downto 8), clock);
	mux3 <= input2 when load
		else adder_out(0) & accum(7 downto 1);
	l3: latch port map (mux3, accum(7 downto 0), clock);
-- We just need an 8 bit adder on the high order bits of the accumulator
-- and input1. Mux 4 is where we decide to add or not to add,
-- the copy of input1. We run through the adder and shift in any event.
-- Note, we are not using carry in to the adder.
	mux4 <= input1 when accum(0) else 0;
	l4: add port map (mux4, accum(15 downto 8), "0", adder_out, carry_out);
	product <= accum when output_valid else 0;
end latch;
-- Unsigned multiplier using guards
architecture guard of multiply is
	signal mux4			:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal control, cont_buf	:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal adder_out		:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal accum, accum_buf		:bit_vector(15 downto 0);
	signal carry_out		:bit;

	label l4;
	component add
		port (arg1, arg2: in bitvec; 
	        	c_in	:in bit; 
		        result	:out bitvec; 
		        c_out	:out bit);
	end component;
	for l4: add use entity adder(logic);
-- Synchronous load. Clock with 010.
-- Single clock: one block of circuts for each clock phase.
-- Master-Slave operation ensures no race conditions.
	control <= guarded "11111111" when load 
		else "0" & cont_buf(7 downto 1);
	accum <= guarded "00000000" & input2 when load
		else accum_buf;
end block;
block (not clock)
	cont_buf <= guarded control;
	accum_buf <= guarded carry_out & adder_out & accum(7 downto 1);
end block;
	output_valid <= not(cont_buf(0));
	mux4 <= input1 when accum(0) else 0;
	l4: add port map (mux4, accum(15 downto 8), "0", adder_out, carry_out);
	product <= guarded accum;
end block;
end guard;
-- Unsigned multiplier using process statement
architecture beh of multiply is
  signal mux       :bit_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal control, adder_out :bit_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal accum      :bit_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal carry_out    :bit;
  label l;
  component add
    port (arg1, arg2: in bit_vector(7 downto 0); 
      c_in  :in bit; 
      result  :out bit_vector(7 downto 0); 
      c_out :out bit);
  end component;
  for l: add use entity adder(logic);
  process (clock)
    if clock'rising then
      if load then
        control(7 downto 0) <= "11111111";
        accum(15 downto 0) <= "00000000" & input2;
        control(7 downto 0) <= "0" & control(7 downto 1);
        accum(15 downto 0) <= carry_out & adder_out &
            accum(7 downto 1);
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  mux <= input1 when accum(0) else 0;

  l: add port map (mux, accum(15 downto 8), "0",
                    adder_out, carry_out);

  output_valid <= not(control(0));
  product <= accum when output_valid else 0;
end beh;

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