reduce current in sleep mode

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Dear millwood,

But based on the hex code functionality i m writing the code in C.
So functionality wise both are same that is only the consult.

What u think about watchdog time is it possible to use adc with wake up with watchdog timer.


But based on the hex code functionality i m writing the code in C.
So functionality wise both are same that is only the consult.

using C or asm doesn't matter here.

if your asm code gets you down to that level of current consumption, you merely need to replicate the same process in C and it WILL get you to the same level of current consumption.

the problem isn't with asm or C. the problem here is with your hardware choices and your design criteria: you have chosen a chip that does not work for what you want to do.

so you can either find a different chip or change your requirement.

anything else is logically impossible.

Added after 38 seconds:

What u think about watchdog time is it possible to use adc with wake up with watchdog timer.

WDT is out of the question because you want to do adc "continuously".
but in both the case hex code or C code my h/w is same.

Added after 38 minutes:

on few lined i have converted in assembly & i found few instruction like:-




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