reconfigurable network - Problem with ModelSim

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Problem with ModelSim

Hello everyone,

I am simulating a reconfigurable network with ModelSim. I described this one in VHDL. In order to ease the coding step, I had previously described a generic multiplexer which code is presented below :

entity GENMUX is
		generic ( 	M : integer := 4; 
				N : integer := 32
		port ( 	Input 	: in std_logic_vector(M*N-1 downto 0);
			Sel 	: in std_logic_vector(LOG2(M)-1 downto 0);
			Output 	: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0)
	end GENMUX;   

	architecture flot of GENMUX is 

		subtype mot is std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		type t_mot is array(0 to M-1) of mot;
		signal tmp : t_mot;

		tmp(0) <= Input(N-1 downto 0);
		MUX_chain : for i in 1 to M-1 generate
			tmp(i) <= Input((i+1)*N-1 downto i*N) when (conv_integer(Sel) = i) else tmp(i-1);
		end generate MUX_chain;
		Output <= tmp(M-1);		
	end flot;

It seemed to be ok until I started the simulation with ModelSim. It stops when it reads the line "tmp(i) <= Input((i+1)*N-1 downto i*N)...". I don't understand where is the problem because it worked with ModelSim 6.3g (I am using the 6.1b version right now). If you have any idea ? Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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