Reading data from MPU6050 reads only the who am I register

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Sep 2, 2018
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I am trying to read data from MPU 6050 to my Basys 2 board using I2c master from

I was able to read the who am I register successfully, But sometime I get the value zero for other register set such as accelerometer or magnetometer. Is there a specific reason for this I can share the rest of the codes if required?

But sometime I get the value zero for other register set such as accelerometer or magnetometer.
The default read values for each register should always be the same. If you get the same read read values every time, then it can be concluded that the I2C is working as expected.

No it is always zero even if I move the sensor, but sometimes it starts reading the registers, then it contiuously read.


show your code. (especially MPU initialisation and commands)
and a scope picture of the communication could also be helpful. (timing, voltage levels)


I2c controller
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

ENTITY u_logic IS
  clk         : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --system clock
  reset_n     : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --active low reset
  i2c_busy    : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --i2c busy signal (talking to i2c slave)
  i2c_data_rd : IN   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);  --data received from i2c slave
                   --i2c acknowledge error flag
  i2c_ena     : OUT  STD_LOGIC;                     --latch command into i2c master
  i2c_addr    : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0);  --i2c slave address
  i2c_rw      : OUT  STD_LOGIC;                     --i2c read/write command
  i2c_data_wr : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);
  data_in     : IN   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 DOWNTO 0);
  data_lcd    : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)
  ); --data to write over the i2c bus
END u_logic;

ARCHITECTURE behavior OF u_logic IS
  TYPE machine IS(ready, i2c, combine);     --state machine datatype
  SIGNAL state         : machine;                       --current state
  SIGNAL i2c_busy_prev : STD_LOGIC;                     --previous busy signal for i2c transactions
  SIGNAL spi_rx_data   : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(24 DOWNTO 0);

  PROCESS(clk, reset_n)
    VARIABLE i2c_busy_cnt : INTEGER := 0;  --keeps track of i2c busy signals during transaction
    IF(reset_n = '0') THEN                 --reset asserted
      i2c_busy_cnt := 0; 
      i2c_ena <= '0';
      state <= ready;
    ELSIF(clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      CASE state IS
        WHEN ready =>
            state <= i2c;                  
        WHEN i2c =>
          i2c_busy_prev <= i2c_busy;                      --capture the value of the previous i2c busy signal
					 IF(i2c_busy_prev = '0' AND i2c_busy = '1') THEN --i2c busy just went high
						i2c_busy_cnt := i2c_busy_cnt + 1;       --counts the times busy has gone from low to high during transaction
					 END IF;
		     CASE i2c_busy_cnt IS                           --busy_cnt keeps track of which command we are on
             WHEN 0 =>                                    --no command latched in yet
              i2c_ena <= '1';                             --initiate the transaction
              i2c_addr <= data_in(23 DOWNTO 17);          --slave address is this 7 bits of message
              i2c_rw <= '0';                              --write the name of the slave register to access
              i2c_data_wr <= data_in(15 DOWNTO 8);        --the slave register to access is these 8 bits
             WHEN 1 =>                                    --1st busy high: command 1 latched, okay to issue command 2
				  i2c_ena <= '1';  
              i2c_rw <= data_in(16);                      --command to read or right the slave register is bit 16
              i2c_data_wr <= data_in(7 DOWNTO 0);         --data to write to register (i2c master ignores if it's a read)
             WHEN 2 =>                                    --2nd busy high: command 2 latched, ready to stop
              i2c_ena <= '0';                             --deassert enable to stop transaction after command 2
              IF(i2c_busy = '0') THEN                     --indicates command 2 is finished and any data is ready
                IF(data_in(16) = '1') THEN                --if it was a read
                  data_lcd(7 DOWNTO 0) <= i2c_data_rd;    --retrieve data from command 2 into 8 LSBs of message
                END IF;
                i2c_busy_cnt := 0;                        --reset busy_cnt for next transaction
                state <= ready;                           --transaction complete, load outcome into spi slave
              END IF;
             WHEN OTHERS => NULL;
          END CASE;	  
        WHEN OTHERS => NULL;			 
			 END CASE;			 
	   END IF;

END behavior;

Register configuration

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity mpu6050_regs is
port (
		clk      : IN  STD_LOGIC; 
  		reset    : IN  STD_LOGIC;
		i2c_busy : IN  STD_LOGIC;  
  		reg_data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 downto 0)
end mpu6050_regs;

architecture behv_cd of mpu6050_regs is

  TYPE machine IS(configs, reader);     
  SIGNAL state         : machine;                    
  SIGNAL i2c_busy_prev : STD_LOGIC; 

PROCESS(clk, reset)
 VARIABLE count : INTEGER := 0; 
 IF(reset        = '1') THEN        
	 count       := 0;
	state        <= configs;
 ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
	CASE state IS 
		  WHEN configs =>
					 i2c_busy_prev <= i2c_busy;                    
				 IF(i2c_busy_prev  = '0' AND i2c_busy = '1') THEN  count := count + 1;  END IF;
					CASE count IS                           
								 WHEN 0 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00011001"&"00000111";--(0x19)
								 WHEN 1 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"01101011"&"00000001";--(0x6B)
								 WHEN 2 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"01101100"&"00000000";--(0x6C)
								 WHEN 3 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00011010"&"00000000";--(0x1A)								 
								 WHEN 4 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00011011"&"00011000";--(0x1B)                     
								 WHEN 5 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00011100"&"00000000";--(0x1C)	
								 WHEN 6 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00100011"&"00000000";--(0x23)
								 WHEN 7 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"00111000"&"00000001";--(0x38)
								 WHEN 8 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"01101000"&"00000000";--(0x68)
								 WHEN 9 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"0"&"01101010"&"00000000";--(0x6A)										 
								-- WHEN 10 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"01110101"&"00000000";--(0x75)	who am I
								 WHEN 10 =>  state  <= reader;  count := 0;									 
								 WHEN OTHERS => NULL;
					END CASE;	  				
		  WHEN reader => 
			i2c_busy_prev <= i2c_busy; 
						IF(i2c_busy_prev  = '0' AND i2c_busy = '1') THEN  count := count + 1;  END IF;	
					CASE count IS                           
								 WHEN 0 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"01110101"&"00000000";--(0x75)
								 WHEN 1 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"00111011"&"00000000";--(0x3B)
								 WHEN 2 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"00111100"&"00000000";--(0x3c)
								 WHEN 3 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"00111101"&"00000000";--(0x3d)
								 WHEN 4 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"00111110"&"00000000";--(0x3e)
								 WHEN 5 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"00111111"&"00000000";--(0x3f)
								 WHEN 6 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"01000000"&"00000000";--(0x40)
								 WHEN 7 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"01000001"&"00000000";--(0x41)
								 WHEN 8 =>  reg_data  <= "1101000"&"1"&"01000010"&"00000000";--(0x42)
								 WHEN 9 =>  state  <= reader;  count := 0;								 
								 WHEN OTHERS => NULL;
					END CASE;  
		  WHEN OTHERS => NULL; 		  
		 END CASE;			 
end behv_cd;

I2C master

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

ENTITY i2c_master IS
    input_clk : INTEGER := 50_000_000; --input clock speed from user logic in Hz
    bus_clk   : INTEGER := 400_000);   --speed the i2c bus (scl) will run at in Hz
    clk       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --system clock
    reset_n   : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --active low reset
    ena       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --latch in command
    addr      : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0); --address of target slave
    rw        : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --'0' is write, '1' is read
    data_wr   : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data to write to slave
    busy      : OUT    STD_LOGIC;                    --indicates transaction in progress
    data_rd   : OUT    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data read from slave
    ack_error : BUFFER STD_LOGIC;                    --flag if improper acknowledge from slave
    sda       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC;                    --serial data output of i2c bus
    scl       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC);                   --serial clock output of i2c bus
END i2c_master;

ARCHITECTURE logic OF i2c_master IS
  CONSTANT divider  :  INTEGER := (input_clk/bus_clk)/4; --number of clocks in 1/4 cycle of scl
  TYPE machine IS(ready, start, command, slv_ack1, wr, rd, slv_ack2, mstr_ack, stop); --needed states
  SIGNAL state         : machine;                        --state machine
  SIGNAL data_clk      : STD_LOGIC;                      --data clock for sda
  SIGNAL data_clk_prev : STD_LOGIC;                      --data clock during previous system clock
  SIGNAL scl_clk       : STD_LOGIC;                      --constantly running internal scl
  SIGNAL scl_ena       : STD_LOGIC := '0';               --enables internal scl to output
  SIGNAL sda_int       : STD_LOGIC := '1';               --internal sda
  SIGNAL sda_ena_n     : STD_LOGIC;                      --enables internal sda to output
  SIGNAL addr_rw       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --latched in address and read/write
  SIGNAL data_tx       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --latched in data to write to slave
  SIGNAL data_rx       : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);   --data received from slave
  SIGNAL bit_cnt       : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 7 := 7;      --tracks bit number in transaction
  SIGNAL stretch       : STD_LOGIC := '0';               --identifies if slave is stretching scl

  --generate the timing for the bus clock (scl_clk) and the data clock (data_clk)
  PROCESS(clk, reset_n)
    VARIABLE count  :  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO divider*4;  --timing for clock generation
    IF(reset_n = '0') THEN                --reset asserted
      stretch <= '0';
      count := 0;
    ELSIF(clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      data_clk_prev <= data_clk;          --store previous value of data clock
      IF(count = divider*4-1) THEN        --end of timing cycle
        count := 0;                       --reset timer
      ELSIF(stretch = '0') THEN           --clock stretching from slave not detected
        count := count + 1;               --continue clock generation timing
      END IF;
      CASE count IS
        WHEN 0 TO divider-1 =>            --first 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '0';
          data_clk <= '0';
        WHEN divider TO divider*2-1 =>    --second 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '0';
          data_clk <= '1';
        WHEN divider*2 TO divider*3-1 =>  --third 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '1';                 --release scl
          IF(scl = '0') THEN              --detect if slave is stretching clock
            stretch <= '1';
            stretch <= '0';
          END IF;
          data_clk <= '1';
        WHEN OTHERS =>                    --last 1/4 cycle of clocking
          scl_clk <= '1';
          data_clk <= '0';
      END CASE;
    END IF;

  --state machine and writing to sda during scl low (data_clk rising edge)
  PROCESS(clk, reset_n)
    IF(reset_n = '0') THEN                 --reset asserted
      state <= ready;                      --return to initial state
      busy <= '1';                         --indicate not available
      scl_ena <= '0';                      --sets scl high impedance
      sda_int <= '1';                      --sets sda high impedance
      ack_error <= '0';                    --clear acknowledge error flag
      bit_cnt <= 7;                        --restarts data bit counter
      data_rd <= "00000000";               --clear data read port
    ELSIF(clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      IF(data_clk = '1' AND data_clk_prev = '0') THEN  --data clock rising edge
        CASE state IS
          WHEN ready =>                      --idle state
            IF(ena = '1') THEN               --transaction requested
              busy <= '1';                   --flag busy
              addr_rw <= addr & rw;          --collect requested slave address and command
              data_tx <= data_wr;            --collect requested data to write
              state <= start;                --go to start bit
            ELSE                             --remain idle
              busy <= '0';                   --unflag busy
              state <= ready;                --remain idle
            END IF;
          WHEN start =>                      --start bit of transaction
            busy <= '1';                     --resume busy if continuous mode
            sda_int <= addr_rw(bit_cnt);     --set first address bit to bus
            state <= command;                --go to command
          WHEN command =>                    --address and command byte of transaction
            IF(bit_cnt = 0) THEN             --command transmit finished
              sda_int <= '1';                --release sda for slave acknowledge
              bit_cnt <= 7;                  --reset bit counter for "byte" states
              state <= slv_ack1;             --go to slave acknowledge (command)
            ELSE                             --next clock cycle of command state
              bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1;        --keep track of transaction bits
              sda_int <= addr_rw(bit_cnt-1); --write address/command bit to bus
              state <= command;              --continue with command
            END IF;
          WHEN slv_ack1 =>                   --slave acknowledge bit (command)
            IF(addr_rw(0) = '0') THEN        --write command
              sda_int <= data_tx(bit_cnt);   --write first bit of data
              state <= wr;                   --go to write byte
            ELSE                             --read command
              sda_int <= '1';                --release sda from incoming data
              state <= rd;                   --go to read byte
            END IF;
          WHEN wr =>                         --write byte of transaction
            busy <= '1';                     --resume busy if continuous mode
            IF(bit_cnt = 0) THEN             --write byte transmit finished
              sda_int <= '1';                --release sda for slave acknowledge
              bit_cnt <= 7;                  --reset bit counter for "byte" states
              state <= slv_ack2;             --go to slave acknowledge (write)
            ELSE                             --next clock cycle of write state
              bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1;        --keep track of transaction bits
              sda_int <= data_tx(bit_cnt-1); --write next bit to bus
              state <= wr;                   --continue writing
            END IF;
          WHEN rd =>                         --read byte of transaction
            busy <= '1';                     --resume busy if continuous mode
            IF(bit_cnt = 0) THEN             --read byte receive finished
              IF(ena = '1' AND addr_rw = addr & rw) THEN  --continuing with another read at same address
                sda_int <= '0';              --acknowledge the byte has been received
              ELSE                           --stopping or continuing with a write
                sda_int <= '1';              --send a no-acknowledge (before stop or repeated start)
              END IF;
--				  if(enable = '1') then
              bit_cnt <= 7;                  --reset bit counter for "byte" states
              data_rd <= data_rx;            --output received data
              state <= mstr_ack;             --go to master acknowledge
--				  else
--				  data_rd <= "00000000";
--				  end if;
            ELSE                             --next clock cycle of read state
              bit_cnt <= bit_cnt - 1;        --keep track of transaction bits
              state <= rd;                   --continue reading
            END IF;
          WHEN slv_ack2 =>                   --slave acknowledge bit (write)
            IF(ena = '1') THEN               --continue transaction
              busy <= '0';                   --continue is accepted
              addr_rw <= addr & rw;          --collect requested slave address and command
              data_tx <= data_wr;            --collect requested data to write
              IF(addr_rw = addr & rw) THEN   --continue transaction with another write
                sda_int <= data_wr(bit_cnt); --write first bit of data
                state <= wr;                 --go to write byte
              ELSE                           --continue transaction with a read or new slave
                state <= start;              --go to repeated start
              END IF;
            ELSE                             --complete transaction
              state <= stop;                 --go to stop bit
            END IF;
          WHEN mstr_ack =>                   --master acknowledge bit after a read
            IF(ena = '1') THEN               --continue transaction
              busy <= '0';                   --continue is accepted and data received is available on bus
              addr_rw <= addr & rw;          --collect requested slave address and command
              data_tx <= data_wr;            --collect requested data to write
              IF(addr_rw = addr & rw) THEN   --continue transaction with another read
                sda_int <= '1';              --release sda from incoming data
                state <= rd;                 --go to read byte
              ELSE                           --continue transaction with a write or new slave
                state <= start;              --repeated start
              END IF;    
            ELSE                             --complete transaction
              state <= stop;                 --go to stop bit
            END IF;
          WHEN stop =>                       --stop bit of transaction
            busy <= '0';                     --unflag busy
            state <= ready;                  --go to idle state
        END CASE;    
      ELSIF(data_clk = '0' AND data_clk_prev = '1') THEN  --data clock falling edge
        CASE state IS
          WHEN start =>                  
            IF(scl_ena = '0') THEN                  --starting new transaction
              scl_ena <= '1';                       --enable scl output
              ack_error <= '0';                     --reset acknowledge error output
            END IF;
          WHEN slv_ack1 =>                          --receiving slave acknowledge (command)
            IF(sda /= '0' OR ack_error = '1') THEN  --no-acknowledge or previous no-acknowledge
              ack_error <= '1';                     --set error output if no-acknowledge
            END IF;
          WHEN rd =>                                --receiving slave data
            data_rx(bit_cnt) <= sda;                --receive current slave data bit
          WHEN slv_ack2 =>                          --receiving slave acknowledge (write)
            IF(sda /= '0' OR ack_error = '1') THEN  --no-acknowledge or previous no-acknowledge
              ack_error <= '1';                     --set error output if no-acknowledge
            END IF;
          WHEN stop =>
            scl_ena <= '0';                         --disable scl
          WHEN OTHERS =>
        END CASE;
      END IF;
    END IF;

  --set sda output
    sda_ena_n <= data_clk_prev WHEN start,     --generate start condition
                 NOT data_clk_prev WHEN stop,  --generate stop condition
                 sda_int WHEN OTHERS;          --set to internal sda signal    
  --set scl and sda outputs
  scl <= '0' WHEN (scl_ena = '1' AND scl_clk = '0') ELSE 'Z';
  sda <= '0' WHEN sda_ena_n = '0' ELSE 'Z';
END logic;

Top module

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

  sys_clk_frq : INTEGER   := 50_000_000; --system clock speed in Hz
  i2c_scl_frq : INTEGER   := 400_000    --speed the i2c bus (scl) will run at in Hz
  );       --spi clock phase mode
        clk100      : IN    STD_LOGIC;  --system clock
		  reset       : IN    STD_LOGIC;  --active low reset
		  scl         : INOUT STD_LOGIC;  --i2c serial clock
		  sda         : INOUT STD_LOGIC;
		  i2c_ack_err : OUT   STD_LOGIC;
		  led         : OUT   STD_LOGIC;		  
		 data_lcd    : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)
		  --node_scl : inout std_logic; --set pullups for these in ucf
		--	node_sda : inout std_logic--set pullups for these in ucf
		  ); --i2c serial data
END I2C_top;

---components starts from here
--I2C slave component
--component I2C_slave is
--  generic (
--    SLAVE_ADDR          : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)   := "0000011"); -- I added := "0000000" to get it to compile
--  port (
--    scl                 : inout std_logic;
--    sda                 : inout std_logic;
--    clk                 : in    std_logic;
--    rst                 : in    std_logic;
--    -- User interface
--    read_req            : out   std_logic;
--    data_to_master      : in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--    data_valid          : out   std_logic;
--    data_from_master    : out   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
--end component;

component mpu6050_regs is
port (
		clk      : IN  STD_LOGIC; 
  		reset    : IN  STD_LOGIC;
		i2c_busy : IN  STD_LOGIC;  
  		reg_data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 downto 0)
end component;

component i2c_master IS
    input_clk : INTEGER := 50_000_000; --input clock speed from user logic in Hz
    bus_clk   : INTEGER := 400_000);   --speed the i2c bus (scl) will run at in Hz
    clk       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --system clock
    reset_n   : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --active low reset
    ena       : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --latch in command
    addr      : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0); --address of target slave
    rw        : IN     STD_LOGIC;                    --'0' is write, '1' is read
    data_wr   : IN     STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data to write to slave
    busy      : OUT    STD_LOGIC;                    --indicates transaction in progress
    data_rd   : OUT    STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --data read from slave
    ack_error : BUFFER STD_LOGIC;                    --flag if improper acknowledge from slave
    sda       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC;                    --serial data output of i2c bus
    scl       : INOUT  STD_LOGIC);                   --serial clock output of i2c bus
END component;

component u_logic IS
  clk         : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --system clock
  reset_n     : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --active low reset
  i2c_busy    : IN   STD_LOGIC;                     --i2c busy signal (talking to i2c slave)
  i2c_data_rd : IN   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);  --data received from i2c slave
                   --i2c acknowledge error flag
  i2c_ena     : OUT  STD_LOGIC;                     --latch command into i2c master
  i2c_addr    : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0);  --i2c slave address
  i2c_rw      : OUT  STD_LOGIC;                     --i2c read/write command
  i2c_data_wr : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);
  data_in     : IN   STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 DOWNTO 0);
  data_lcd    : OUT  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)
  ); --data to write over the i2c bus
END component;

  CONSTANT spi_d_width : INTEGER := 25;  --spi data width in bits
  SIGNAL   i2c_ena     : STD_LOGIC;
  SIGNAL   i2c_addr    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0);
  SIGNAL   i2c_rw      : STD_LOGIC;
  SIGNAL   i2c_data_wr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);
  SIGNAL   i2c_data_rd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0);
  SIGNAL   i2c_busy    : STD_LOGIC;
  SIGNAL   clock       : STD_LOGIC;
  SIGNAL   reset_n     : STD_LOGIC;
  SIGNAL   reg_data    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 DOWNTO 0);
	signal read_req         : std_logic                      := '0';
	signal data_to_master   : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)  := "01010101";
	signal data_valid       : std_logic                      := '0';
	signal data_from_master : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)  := (others => '0');
	signal data_reg: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
	signal ackerr: std_logic;
reset_n <= not reset;
led     <= i2c_busy;
i2c_ack_err <= ackerr;
--	 --- I2C slave
--	 i2cSlave: I2C_slave generic map (
--									SLAVE_ADDR => "0000011")
--								port map(
--									scl               => node_scl,
--									sda               => node_sda,
--									clk               => clk100,
--									rst               => reset,
--									-- User interface
--									read_req          => read_req,
--									data_to_master    => data_to_master,
--									data_valid        => data_valid,
--									data_from_master  => data_from_master);

  logic:  u_logic PORT MAP(
					 clk         => clk100, 
					 reset_n     => reset_n, 
					 i2c_busy    => i2c_busy,
					 i2c_data_rd => i2c_data_rd, 
					 i2c_ena     => i2c_ena, 
					 i2c_addr    => i2c_addr, 
					 i2c_rw      => i2c_rw,
					 i2c_data_wr => i2c_data_wr,
					 data_in     => reg_data,
					 data_lcd    => open
  --instantiate registers for MPU6050
  regs:  mpu6050_regs PORT MAP(
					 clk         => clk100, 
					 reset       => reset, 
					 i2c_busy    => i2c_busy,
					 reg_data    => reg_data
  --instantiate the i2c master
  i_master: i2c_master
    GENERIC MAP(	input_clk => sys_clk_frq, 
						bus_clk => i2c_scl_frq	)
						 clk       => clk100, 
						 reset_n   => reset_n, 
						 ena       => i2c_ena,					 
						 addr      => i2c_addr,
						 rw        => i2c_rw, 
						 data_wr   => i2c_data_wr, 
						 busy      => i2c_busy,
						 data_rd   => data_lcd, 
					--	 data_rd   => data_to_master, 
					--	 ack_error => i2c_ack_err, 
						 ack_error => ackerr, 
						 sda       => sda,
						 scl       => scl

END logic;

With regards to your addressing.

Why do you only list the middle section?

WHEN 0 => reg_data <= "1101000"&"1"&"01110101"&"00000000";--(0x75)


I would recommend chip scoping (integrated logic analyser) the signals of interest.
You're getting back data, Is the address what you expect it to be?

but sometimes it starts reading the registers, then it contiuously read.
Looking at state machine you never leave reader state! Unless reset.

I have commented the register that I am reading or writing to. So it goes as Device address & read/write & register address & data

I want to stay in the reader state as I am reading data continuously after the configuration.

I want to stay in the reader state as I am reading data continuously after the configuration.
Review the burst read transaction description. You'll write a start register address, then read a number of consecutive registers while the address is auto-incremented. Stop the burst read transaction and repeat.

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