question on analog artist

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Member level 4
Sep 17, 2002
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what is analog artist

hi ppl....had a question on the analog artist environment.....
can u integrate verilog-A models output by model editor along with
functional blocks provided by macro-model library ?


could anybody tell me the difficulty about analog ic
design, how to conquer ,especial layout

what about verilog-A models output .
I just know that the artist integrates the verilog-A and recognizes it automatically.

had a question on the analog artist environment.....
can u integrate verilog-A models output by model editor along with
functional blocks provided by macro-model library ?

can you please be bit more explicit what exactly do you want to do..
as far as i understan that you want to dump the output of some behavioral model in some file and then want to use same as the input for other simulation. is it so...


well amit......i was trying to integrate models from functional lib provided by analog artist.....with the supposed behavioral models provided by
model generator.....cadence documentation does not say (else i have not seen)...whether this is possible......can u throw some light on it?


it is possible to integrate the verilog-A model along with the functional block.
once you write the verilog-a model it automatically generate the symbol view for the same which you can use along with your functional block...
can you tell me what problem are you facing.

well..the problem is ...i dont know how to do it.... ...
...tell me one thing.....u hav the following situation :
I need a schematic to contains :-
1. symbols form analog lib
2. functional lib
3. models o/p by model gen do this...and importantly...what is the simulator that u will choose
in simulation setup..


from icfb window create new cellview change the view to either verilog-a or verilog-editor what ever you are window will popup...write your verilog-a or verilog code into it along with all your inputs and output..
save and close the window. if your entry is correct symbol editor window will popup along with all the input and output you get the symbol....

now if you are using the verilog-a model simply create the complet schematic both with the functional block and the verilog-a block...change your simulator to spectreverilog...and can run the simulation....

but when you are entering the verilog model then you have to do the partition for both anlalog and digital block....detail about it you can get from the openbook.....

is this what you i able to touch the point...

yes...that kind-off is a solution to my problem....
will pm u in case i am stuck..

Thanks a lot

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