Question about the waves sinusoidalis

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 13, 2003
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waves sinusoidalis

Because the waves sinusoidalis are used?

waves sinusoidalis

What are you trying to ask? Pls explain more

Re: waves sinusoidalis

What is your means of sinusoidalis.

Re: waves sinusoidalis

I thing that sinusoidalis in sinusoide
In a linear system a sinusoide has gone out as a sinusoide

Re: waves sinusoidalis

There is still an element of doubt in its meaning.Please elaborate on that.


Re: waves sinusoidalis

Sinusoidals are the aigen functions of linear system. You can calculate the system response to them easily.
Using fourier theorom you can write many of practical signals in terms of sinusoidals. And your response is the sum of individual responses to these terms.

Re: waves sinusoidalis

This is true only if the system is linear and time invariant.

Re: waves sinusoidalis

according to Fourier transformation , any signal can be expressed by sum of series of sin and cosine

waves sinusoidalis

Sine waves are used because in liner circuits the effect on them can be only phase variation and hence the signal isn't distorted
regarding system response sine waves are not optimal for that but delta function is

waves sinusoidalis

This wave is used, because the sine wave is a particular case of the complex exponetial funtion, and for the Fourier Analysis you can see that the sine wave is the funtion basics of the Fourier Series and this make the analyisis of the systems easily.

waves sinusoidalis

can't understand what you asked?

waves sinusoidalis

think of Euler's complex number formula:
eiθ=cosθ+i sinθ

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