Question about battery technology (LiPo vs LiFe)

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Newbie level 2
Dec 4, 2011
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If there's a better forum here to ask this question, please let me know.

I'm working on a device that has a design target of running for one month off a rechargeable battery. Something along the lines of 3.6 to 4.2 volts, with a current draw of about 75 ma for about 15 minutes, once per hour, continuously for 30 days. I'm focusing on LiPo and LiFe because getting my hands on any other Li based battery seems very hard to do (lots of red tape, shipping hassles, etc).

LiPo are commonly used in radio-controlled toys (planes, helicopters, etc) but I haven't really seen LiFe used that much in consumer products.

I basically want to know which type is best at holding it's charge over a long duration given minimal current draw. I know that LiPo's are typically used in high-draw situations that last maybe 10 or 20 minutes (electric motors) so I'm curious how they handle very small current draw over a really long time.

Thanks for any info.

Lipo and LifePo4 both have very low self discharge rate and are suitable for your application.(best in rechargeable batteries.)
but lipo is very sensitive to over discharge(cell voltage<2.5v) and you should take it into account.
both are sensitive to overcharge.
my lipos easily hold their charge for 1year.

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