Sean Bragança
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Hi, the following is the code I've obtained from VlFeat's open source library for image stitching using SIFT and RANSAC. I have a basic understanding of the algorithms though I'm quite new to the field of IP and Matlab, this being part of a project I'm working on:
ALthough I've wrapped my head around the SIFT part of the algorithm, the last few lines of the RANSAC portion, specifically the computation of variables "du and dv" and after that, have lost me.
I'm looking for an explanation in brief as to what the RANSAC, ERROR CORRECTION and OPTIONAL REFINEMENT portions actually do so I can make the necessary adjustments.
Thank you!
function mosaic = sift_mosaic(im1, im2)
% SIFT_MOSAIC Demonstrates matching two images using SIFT and RANSAC
% SIFT_MOSAIC demonstrates matching two images based on SIFT
% features and RANSAC and computing their mosaic.
% SIFT_MOSAIC by itself runs the algorithm on two standard test
% images. Use SIFT_MOSAIC(IM1,IM2) to compute the mosaic of two
% custom images IM1 and IM2.
if nargin == 0
im1 = imread(fullfile('C:','Users','Noel', 'Pictures', '1.jpg')) ;
im2 = imread(fullfile('C:','Users','Noel', 'Pictures', '2.jpg')) ;
% make single
im1 = im2single(im1) ;
im2 = im2single(im2) ;
% make grayscale
if size(im1,3) > 1, im1g = rgb2gray(im1) ; else im1g = im1 ; end
if size(im2,3) > 1, im2g = rgb2gray(im2) ; else im2g = im2 ; end
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% SIFT matches
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
[f1,d1] = vl_sift(im1g) ;
[f2,d2] = vl_sift(im2g) ;
[matches, scores] = vl_ubcmatch(d1,d2) ;
numMatches = size(matches,2) ;
X1 = f1(1:2,matches(1,:)) ; X1(3,:) = 1 ;
X2 = f2(1:2,matches(2,:)) ; X2(3,:) = 1 ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% RANSAC with homography model
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
clear H score ok ;
for t = 1:100
% estimate homograpyh
subset = vl_colsubset(1:numMatches, 4) ;
A = [] ;
for i = subset
A = cat(1, A, kron(X1(:,i)', vl_hat(X2(:,i)))) ;
[U,S,V] = svd(A) ;
H{t} = reshape(V(:,9),3,3) ;
% score homography
X2_ = H{t} * X1 ;
du = X2_(1,:)./X2_(3,:) - X2(1,:)./X2(3,:) ;
dv = X2_(2,:)./X2_(3,:) - X2(2,:)./X2(3,:) ;
ok{t} = (du.*du + dv.*dv) < 6*6 ;
score(t) = sum(ok{t}) ;
[score, best] = max(score) ;
H = H{best} ;
ok = ok{best} ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Optional refinement
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function err = residual(H)
u = H(1) * X1(1,ok) + H(4) * X1(2,ok) + H(7) ;
v = H(2) * X1(1,ok) + H(5) * X1(2,ok) + H(8) ;
d = H(3) * X1(1,ok) + H(6) * X1(2,ok) + 1 ;
du = X2(1,ok) - u ./ d ;
dv = X2(2,ok) - v ./ d ;
err = sum(du.*du + dv.*dv) ;
if exist('fminsearch') == 2
H = H / H(3,3) ;
opts = optimset('Display', 'none', 'TolFun', 1e-8, 'TolX', 1e-8) ;
H(1:8) = fminsearch(@residual, H(1:8)', opts) ;
warning('Refinement disabled as fminsearch was not found.') ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Show matches
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
dh1 = max(size(im2,1)-size(im1,1),0) ;
dh2 = max(size(im1,1)-size(im2,1),0) ;
figure(1) ; clf ;
subplot(2,1,1) ;
imagesc([padarray(im1,dh1,'post') padarray(im2,dh2,'post')]) ;
o = size(im1,2) ;
line([f1(1,matches(1,:));f2(1,matches(2,:))+o], ...
[f1(2,matches(1,:));f2(2,matches(2,:))]) ;
title(sprintf('%d tentative matches', numMatches)) ;
axis image off ;
subplot(2,1,2) ;
imagesc([padarray(im1,dh1,'post') padarray(im2,dh2,'post')]) ;
o = size(im1,2) ;
line([f1(1,matches(1,ok));f2(1,matches(2,ok))+o], ...
[f1(2,matches(1,ok));f2(2,matches(2,ok))]) ;
title(sprintf('%d (%.2f%%) inliner matches out of %d', ...
sum(ok), ...
100*sum(ok)/numMatches, ...
numMatches)) ;
axis image off ;
drawnow ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Mosaic
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
box2 = [1 size(im2,2) size(im2,2) 1 ;
1 1 size(im2,1) size(im2,1) ;
1 1 1 1 ] ;
box2_ = inv(H) * box2 ;
box2_(1,:) = box2_(1,:) ./ box2_(3,:) ;
box2_(2,:) = box2_(2,:) ./ box2_(3,:) ;
ur = min([1 box2_(1,:)]):max([size(im1,2) box2_(1,:)]) ;
vr = min([1 box2_(2,:)]):max([size(im1,1) box2_(2,:)]) ;
[u,v] = meshgrid(ur,vr) ;
im1_ = vl_imwbackward(im2double(im1),u,v) ;
z_ = H(3,1) * u + H(3,2) * v + H(3,3) ;
u_ = (H(1,1) * u + H(1,2) * v + H(1,3)) ./ z_ ;
v_ = (H(2,1) * u + H(2,2) * v + H(2,3)) ./ z_ ;
im2_ = vl_imwbackward(im2double(im2),u_,v_) ;
mass = ~isnan(im1_) + ~isnan(im2_) ;
im1_(isnan(im1_)) = 0 ;
im2_(isnan(im2_)) = 0 ;
mosaic = (im1_ + im2_) ./ mass ;
figure(2) ; clf ;
imagesc(mosaic) ; axis image off ;
title('Mosaic') ;
if nargout == 0, clear mosaic ; end
ALthough I've wrapped my head around the SIFT part of the algorithm, the last few lines of the RANSAC portion, specifically the computation of variables "du and dv" and after that, have lost me.
I'm looking for an explanation in brief as to what the RANSAC, ERROR CORRECTION and OPTIONAL REFINEMENT portions actually do so I can make the necessary adjustments.
Thank you!
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