[SOLVED] Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2

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Check conection between PIC18F4550 and PIC16F877

File for PIC16F877 not work on PIC16F877A

PiCS said:
Check conection between PIC18F4550 and PIC16F877

File for PIC16F877 not work on PIC16F877A

Hi PiCS,
I have checked the connection many times .
Yep...I use the 16F877A version and I have tried 3 different MCU 4550 and 877A (I believed that it was a MCU problem :|)......none .
The problem is random.
Sometime the download OS progress freeze (the bar scroll infinitely).
Sometime this error ICD0031: API: Framing error
And another time this CD0042: API: Error response (Command Checksum Error (0x04)) , ICD0024: Communications: Failed to write

I have also checked for shorts...but all seems to be ok :|
I use the 7.62 version of MPLAB and on my desktop and laptop there are the same problems

Thanks for the help

So can someone tell me whose ICD2 clone design is this possibly?

**broken link removed**

I bought one of these and it seemed to work just fine the first time today. I turned everything off and came back a few hours later and MPLAB fails to communicate with it any longer. I keep getting 'Unknown device' when I plug the USB cable back in. I tried to install MPLAB on another PC host. When I plug the ICD2 into that machine, it does not even auto recognize the ICD2 as a USB device at all. Does this mean the 18F4550 firmware is toast?

dave mc

I had this issue once with one of ICD2s I made (SMD version published here on early pages of this topic). I did not find exactly what happenned but analyzing steps I did I am pretty sure I had the problem that you have.

ICD2 was OK on one PC and working fine for a day. Next morning I moved it to another PC, it was recognized by Windows but MPLAB appeared to be locked.
When I unplugged it and put back, it was not visible by Windows anmore.
I tried different PCs - no results.

So I re-flashed 4550 FW - at this point I realized that I am using for some reason version with protected BOOT. I changed it and first time I connected MPLAB it gave me message that it is trying to upgrade USB FW, few seconds later it was working again and working since.

The 18F4550 can get its firmware corrupted, the ebay design would be tricky to reflash. That's why I split my ICD2 design.

blueroomelectronics said:
The 18F4550 can get its firmware corrupted, the ebay design would be tricky to reflash. That's why I split my ICD2 design.

ya thanks guys. I suspected the 18F4550 firmware was probably corrupted here. THe Ebay design mentioned actually does have an ICSP connector for the 18F4550 and the 16F device on it, so it's just a matter of getting another programmer I guess.

Why does the 18F4550 firmware get corrupted? Does MPLAB actually attempt to rewrite that as well as the 16F PIC? I thought it was only the 16F firmware that usually gets changed for the different target devices?

dave mc

blueroomelectronics said:
The 18F4550 can get its firmware corrupted, the ebay design would be tricky to reflash. That's why I split my ICD2 design.

I was thinking that you split your ICD2 because you first build the rs232 ICD2 and later join the USB in another PCB.
am I wrong?

Keeping the design split kept it affordable, both the RS232 and USB program and debug exactly the same PICs and work exactly the same way. The 18F4550 version is several times faster and you don't need an external power supply for low current targets.
The split design also allows the 18F4550 to function as an experimenter (USB, LCD, GLCD, I2C, RS485, keypad) and is very easy to go between the ICD2 & experimenter mode.

for all these different ICD2 18F4550 clones, is the 18F4550 firmware all the same?

dave mc



I just built the usb icd2 presented on this thread. But I have problems with it. I cannot make it connect normally to windows. It's very unstable. Immediately after I plug it in the usb led starts flashing. If I apply a manual reset on the MCLR pin it connects and works normally. I already tried to connect capacitors on the supply lines, I played with RC constants on MCLR pin, I tried with MCLR pin disabled and enabled, tried all 4550 hex files I found on this thread but with no result. I spent three days reading all the thread but I did not find any answer to solve my problem.

If any of you have any idea on this problem please help me because I am about to scrap this project and return to the serial version I previously built.

Thank you


Maybe it helps to specify that the USB part is built on a raster pcb and connected with wires to the old icd2 (built after Lothar Stolz schematic). If you think that helps I can upload a picture of the entire "system"

No. I used the FT 232 chip on the old version. I have the problems with the PIC18F4550 part of the design.

The serial section together with the FTDI chip works fine. Of course the usb ports are not connected together .

If I plug in the FT232 chip the board works great it has no problem, but if I conect the 18F4558 the problem starts and it has the symptoms I presented above. I forgot to say that I changed 4 crystals thinking that they are not stable enough. I even tried with a 4MHz crystal (of course I modified the config bits accordingly) but the board shows the same behavior.

thank you inaxeon

best regards

Hi All,
I've build the ICD2 by using PICS schematic Rev. B and getting same problem as faced by danciurea. The USB driver goes into the infinite loop. and USB Led starts flashing. But if I change the PC then this problem vanishes.
I found that the USB driver is installed using oem.inf file in my PC and when I'm going to update the same using Microchip .inf file then my PC gets restart. I suspect there is problem in PC and not in ICD2. But I'm going to design new HW with MCLR (for PIC18f4550) modification in schematic. Is there any other possible reason for this issue?
Also can some one compile all this info and place it in same forum because it is very hard to read all the pages. I could complete 25 pages and gave up. Though the discussions are more important and knowledge sharing but couldn't concentrate so long.

Thank all.

Nandulal said:
...... But I'm going to design new HW with MCLR (for PIC18f4550) modification in schematic. Is there any other possible reason for this issue? .....

Hello Nandulal,

I already tried both hw versions (with and without external reset) and the behavior is exactly the same. I thought that my problems appear due to the poor quality of the circuit (it's built on a breadboard).
I did not tried the circuit on another computer because I don't have one, I only tested it on my laptop.

Maybe the parents of this circuit can help us.

for my board (PiCS Rev. B) read this

Today I got to check the icd2 I built on a different computer. The bad news is that it behaves exactly the same. The same blinking led when I connected it and after a reset it works normally. Can anyone help me with this problem?

Thank you

Actually I made 3 PCBs as given by PICS. Out of which one is with my friend and that is running properly while I've two boards. The one board is showing USB LED blinking on both PC hence not working. Other board is showing USB LED blinking on one PC and on other PC the same board is working properly.

Also the RJ11 footprint (given in PICS PCB) is not matching with the RJ11 connector available here in india (Pune). So I designed a new circuit in Protel DXP.
I'll update the result once I'll complete its testing.


I want ask one question. If I'm using only dsPIC(PICS24 and PIC33F) family, which don't require the Vpp = 13V then can I remove the DC-DC converter from the ICD circuit?


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