programming pic16F628-04 with pic16pro and windows xp

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Junior Member level 2
Nov 12, 2005
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i would like to programming pic16F628-04 with pic16pro and windows xp. i have the pic16pro (simplest version **broken link removed** the second schematic) and PICALLW software version 0.16 January 2005 FREEWARE. its compatible with windows xp?if not witch software is compatible? i would like to help me with the software options at the follow images. i would like to have the possibility to erase the pic at the future. thank you.

programing schematic pic16f628

Have used that set up with XP Sp1 and Sp2 for a few years - it does work but you have to get things right - using a short ( 1mtr) shielded parallell cable can be important.

I programmed 16F873/6 etc and some 18F chips, but with larger programs it would give errors - thats why I eventually moved to a Microchip PicKit 2 - best move I ever made.

You must get your PicAllW parameters right or it will not work - from what you show your Config F3 looks wrong - do you want LV programming checked ?
Is your oscillator really an external source ?

pic16pro pdf

Just wanted to boldface that.

usb picall pro16 programmer

[quoteMessage from blueroomelectronics

Just wanted to boldface that.[/quote]

Despite all the similar forum entries its a shame that point still falls on deaf ears.. so often.

With the low cost of the Microchip Pickit2 and quality clones like your Blueroom Junbug, you would have hoped folk would save themselves all the wasted money and hours trying to get the JDM and Parallel programmers to work properly - which, in general, they can only do in limited fashion.

Looking back, I think ( had they been around ) I could have bought a Pickit2 and a Junebug with all the money I spent trying to get the jdm and parallels to work.

pic16f628 progming software

Thanks for the nice words. Another Pickit2 clone like this "PIC cruizer" from United 7 technologies is also helping many PIC enthusiasts in India. **broken link removed**

pic 16f628 config

thanks for your answers. the circuit which i will make is an mw waves PLL. At the attached files you can see the schematic and tha hex file (in zip file). the pic16F628 will work with 4mhz external crystal oscillator. i would like to know which of the above options i must follow at the programming prosess. which options i must check before press the program button?? thanks

pic 16f628 software

Another Pickit2 clone like this "PIC cruizer" from United 7 technologies is also helping many PIC enthusiasts in India.

Looks a real good board complete with Zif socket and a reasonable price - why do folk still struggle with the old stuff ...??

which options i must check before press the program button?? thanks

Select the 7405 option, set it up to use the Pro16 and select the parallel port to match your PC or Auto

If you load in the program code it sets all the config parameters so you should be able to program.

Might be worth testing your hardware by first trying the Blank Check and Read Chip to ensure things work before actually programming.

pic16f628a futures

Hai tzitzikas
If you are using external 4 Mhz xtal, you have to tick "XT" in the fuses Box, and too if you are using PIC16F628, it has an iin built 4.0 mhz Oscillator. Good luck

pic16-pro programmer

thanks u. my effort was succesful. i only change te prog. delay from 2 to 300 and tick XT in the fuses box. i also uncheck low volt prog. With program delay 2, the programming process was failed.i constantly increase the program delay, and at 300 the programming process was succesful.
i would like to know about options:
A) oscillator
and clkout
in witch case i use every one of these options?

B) hardware
1) watchdog timer
2)power up timer
3) brown-out detect
4) mcrl pin enabled
5) low volt. prog
in witch case i use every one of these options?

C) protection
1) code protect 0
2) code protect 1
3) data protect
in witch case i use every one of these options?

thanks u veru mutch.

program pic16f628 with pickit2

Good that everything has finally worked ok for you.

The options A and B - both the oscillator and hardware parameters are set up by the same thing - the Configuartion Bits

Ideally these Bits are entered during the compiling of the program code in line with the hardware the programmer is going to use.

For example your diagram shows a 4mhz xtal, in the chips data sheet that references it as OSCillator = XT and so on for all the other possible configuation bits.

It is possible to enter the Config Bits via the Programmer, but you need to have the source code to do that properly.

The code protect bits, are also part of the Config bits, and are to stop the program code being read out of the chip - but suggest you forget about that for now.

A thought for the future - if you are looking to do some pic coding for yourself, buying a USB Pickit2 / clone or even making your own version will be a great help to you long term.

A diy version needs a Pic 18F2550 programming and I don't think PicallW does that chip, however this program does, it also works fine with your hardware.

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