Program my FPGA with a no volatile file.

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Newbie level 5
Apr 26, 2021
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I have worked with a DE10-NANO, modifying the MSEL and creating a .jic file, based on a .sof, I managed to load the .jic file into the FPGA. This file enabled that when turning off the FPGA the programmed file would not be erased, and when turning it on again the program began to work by itself.

Now I have started working with an ENCLUSTRA Mercury PE1 + Mercury SA2 (Cyclone V 5CSTFD6F31I7N) and I would like to do the same. I am using Quartus Design Software. In this case I don't have the MSEL pins as accessible as on the DE10-NANO. I have tried modifying the CFG A and CFG B switches, but have not succeeded.

I would like you to help me solve this problem, and to be able to program my FPGA.
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That's what I tried to it. I tried to change MSEL, changing BOOT_MODE0 and BOOT_MODE1 with CFG switches. Cyclone V needs MSEL[4..0] = “10010” configuration, but I can't set it only changing CFG switches.

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There are user manuals (requires contact information) for both the baseboard and the SA2 module, I'm sure they have information on how to program the quad SPI flash or the eMMC flash on the boards.

The board doesn't appear to support the programming method you used on the DE10-NANO, so either go back to that board or read the user guides for the new boards and determine how to program the flash device on that board.
Cyclone V SoC types have separate serial flash pins for FPGA and HPS boot. As indicated by the above shown table and SA2 manual (available also at, Mercury SA2 doesn't connect FPGA boot flash and thus doen't support active serial FPGA configuration scheme as used on your DE10 board.

Non-volatile FPGA configuration needs a bootloader in ARM processor on SA2 board.
Thanks for your support!

And do you know if it´s possible to program using Enclustra Module Configuration Tool?


I'm not familiar with Enclustra dev kits and tools. But the FPGA configuration image can't be loaded without a bootloader program running on the processor.
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