Problems about ocean Scripts

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Newbie level 4
Mar 21, 2012
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Hi, there~
after the ac, dc, stb, simulation are all done, i save the scripts in the ADE, and i open the ocean and load the script i saved just now, but an error is encountered, listed below:

The directory you specified does not contain valid PSF results.
Please check the line for typographical errors or look in the directory for a logFile and PSF result files.
Please specify a results directory.

anyone know how to solve it?Thanks~

Copy down the full path during these "save" operations,
and the results path from the simulation (ADE) setup.
Then see whether the psf path particularly, is called out
in the Ocean script the same (no relative paths, etc.).
I would suspect that the ADE environment differs from
the cdsWrapper>Ocean environment somehow in this vein.

The syntax Ocean requires, I can't help you with. But this
is what those errors indicate to me.

Thanks for your reply

above the notification i list in the last post are the two other lines of notification

Delete psf data in /export/home/maliangyi/simulation/floa_ocean/spectre/schematic/psf.
Cannot start up spectre.

and Error notifications
*Error* difference: can't handle (nil - nil)
*Error* load: error while loading file - "/export/home/maliangyi/Ocean/oceanScript_2.ocn"

and below is the start of my ocean script

ocnWaveformTool( 'wavescan )
simulator( 'spectre )
design( "/export/home/maliangyi/simulation/floa_ocean/spectre/schematic/netlist/netlist")
resultsDir( "/export/home/maliangyi/simulation/floa_ocean/spectre/schematic" )

anything wrong? i am confused

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