[SOLVED] probleme with astro synopsys

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astro synopsys

Hello ,

I have a problem with astro .tf file.

I try to translate this chunk of TLR
**broken link removed**

so I translate this into the tf file like this

and I got this error
Error: Layer 'MET1' has invalid fat table thresholds '(0, 0.24, 10)'. (line 122) (TFCHK-054)

I don't know what's wrong with it, I folowed exactly the exemple provided by docs.

Thank you in advance


Try posting your question under the "ASIC Design Methodologies & Tools (Digital)" section. I don't think you're going to get any replies here for stuff related to astro.

Hope this helps,


Added after 8 minutes:

BTW I don't know if this is helpful but I got it from the "Error Message Manual":

TFCHK-054 (error) Layer ’%s’ has invalid fat table thresholds
’%s’. (line %d)

This error message occurs when the specified Layer section contains an invalid fat
table threshold list. The threshold list must meet the following requirements:
• The number of threshold values must match the table dimension.
• All threshold values must be non-negative numbers and listed in ascending order.
• The first threshold value must between 0 and the default width inclusively.
• The second threshold value must be greater than the layer default width.

The following is an example of the error message:
ERROR : Layer ’METAL1’ has invalid fat table thresholds
’(0, 0, 1.505, 3.005, 4.505, 7.505)’. (line 225) (TFCHK-054)

Change the threshold list for the specified Layer section to meet the above
requirements and then run the command again.

astro synopsys floorplan error


The fatTblSpacing is apt, however the problem is with fatTblThreshold.

From the attached image I understand that you would like to check for the thresholds 0, 0.24 and 10. However, Astro router and Verify DRC is going to check the rules for value equal to or greater than the specified number. So to make it a valid check, we need to add the min precision value to the width threshold.

Say if my tech file's technology session defines length precision as follows:
Technology {
unitLengthName= “micron”
lengthPrecision= 1000

Then , my tech file's fatTblThreshold will be as follows:
fatTblThreshold = (0.001, 0.241 ,10.001)

Hope this helps!

astro minspacing

Good morning diemilio, daman, and thank you for your help
I looked for that yesterday, and the problem as you mentionned was the second threshold (0.24), it has to be greater than the defaultWidth(0.24). so I changed it to 0.25 and it passes.
but it still doesn't reflect my topological rule , because when the width is 0.24 I will need to apply the minimum second spacing, not the first, and as the first threshold should be compulsory bigger than 0.24, it seems to be impossible.
am still thinking on it, but I havent found a solution.
If you can suggest me a solution I would be really grateful
Thank you in advance

Added after 7 minutes:

Hello Daman,
Thank you, you really pointed the problem , and your solution is the one I thought of (less acuratelty)
but you agree with me that there is a problem when the width of the wire is 0.24, and applying a minimum spacing of 0.2 when the wire is 0.24 micron width doesn't respect the DRC. Obviously a solution would be to set the first minSpacing to 0.24 as well , but it will over-constrain wires with width , let say of 0.18 or smaller.

synopsys .tf



minWidth = 0.24
minSpacing = 0.20

This will
Metal1 width <= (less than or equal to) 0.24 ---> spacing 0.2

I'm sorry, I'm not aware of a way to implement ur exact requirement. but, will that not cause all your segments from this layer to be considered a fat wire, even when it is of default width?


Added after 8 minutes:


How about this:

minWidth = 0.24
minSpacing = 0.24

fatTblThreshold = (0.24 ,9.999)

fatTblSpacing = (0.24,0.28,0.28,0.28)

I think we can skip the widht <0.24 , as I dont think tool, will drop a wire in the layer less than min/defaultwidth.



I think we can skip the widht <0.24 , as I dont think tool, will drop a wire in the layer less than min/defaultwidth.

Hi Daman,
I think you definitely are right, I will do so
Thank you so much

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