Problem with WINDOWS and ASITIC

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 1, 2009
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Soledad De Doblado, Veracruz-Llave, Mexico, Mexico
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run asitic in windows


I have windows and i have downloaded the cygwin for use asitic,
also i downloaded but i cant run it,
i have tryed everything


i cant run ASITIC, i read that asitic is not a executable file ':idea:', else how can i use it?

IF I need to use a Linux please showme what distrubution i need to use, there are so many
I have been seeing this site and I think is great, i hope someone answer me


this are files i have

how to use asitic in cygwin

chmod 744 asitic.<whichever>

cygx11-6.dll not found

but it doesn't run, cywin replies me
"./chmod no souch file or directory", so I tried with the .exe from the page and now replies
"error at the begin of the aplication bacause cygX11-6.dll is not foud"
first I thought that my problem should be caused due to my OS (windows vista),
But a partner install cygwin too and is having same problems

Added after 1 minutes:

this is the window and my problems

asitic cygwin command

use the commands in the folder where the files are located.

running asitic on windows

why do you want to use asitic anyways when you have momentum running in the background??


what commands asitic's folder commands or cygwin's folder commands, excuse my ignorance, but i am a newbie in this programs.
I have ear that ASITIC is a good tool, and I want to compare results, because HFSS gives me something and ADS diferent results and I want a third opinion from asitic.
the first problem is that i havent been woring with this kind of program,has lots of commands. and i've found there are so many languages in linux and I dont know which distro i have to install in my PC so that use asitic.

asitic windows

run the commands in the asitic folder

cd <wherever asitic is located>
chmod 744 asitic.<whichever>

if you want to work with EDA tools you should learn linux also and get used to command lines.

**broken link removed**

thanks for the information, but my problem is that i can't execute ASITIC in my PC,

now I know that ASITIC is a compiler but I cant call it from the bash shell
What Im doing wrong??

Added after 3 minutes:

I could use this commands (from the page thanks)if I could run ASITIC.
Its for my OS, I tried to run it using a live CD of linux and I had not success.

Your problem is that you are not running these commands from the folder the executable is located in. You have a lot to learn about *nix before you can do what you want.

ok. thnks
*nix ??? I searched in google and i have not found it
unix?? linux???, anyway I really have to learn about free soft and his commands
i dowloaded the .exe and y locate it in c:\cygwin
and i follow exactly the steps from the page of asitic and... nothing. beacuse of this my dudes.
this is the last thing i found, think i am locate in this directory which asitic is.

oermens and hock thanks for reply my questions,I know that I am despairing

linux, unix, any shell environment...

if you are not running the commands from the asitic/bin folder, you will not be successful. i did this on my laptop and it ran fine. i am running fedora 11 in zshell.

[boss@zafar /tmp]$ unzip
creating: asitic/doc/
inflating: asitic/doc/quickstart.html
inflating: asitic/doc/commands.doc
inflating: asitic/doc/summary.doc
creating: asitic/tek/
inflating: asitic/tek/BiCMOS.tek
inflating: asitic/tek/CMOS.tek
creating: asitic/bin/
inflating: asitic/bin/asitic.linux.1.3.2
inflating: asitic/bin/gendata.linux.1.3.2
inflating: asitic/bin/asitic.HP-UX.9
inflating: asitic/bin/gendata.SunOS.5.6
inflating: asitic/bin/gendata.OSF1
inflating: asitic/bin/gendata.HP-UX.9
inflating: asitic/bin/asitic.SunOS.5.6
inflating: asitic/bin/core
inflating: asitic/bin/asitic.linux.2
[boss@zafar /tmp]$ asitic
[boss@zafar /tmp/asitic]$ bin
[boss@zafar /tmp/asitic/bin]$ chmod 744 asitic.*
[boss@zafar /tmp/asitic/bin]$ ./asitic.linux.2

ASITIC version 12.05.97
Analysis & Simulation of Inductors and Transformers for ICs

Technology File Name? ^C
[boss@zafar /tmp/asitic/bin]$

why dont you just use knoppix or another livecd since you have no knowledge of linux? if you have trouble just to run asitic then you will struggle with linux. there is nothing more i can say to help i told everything.

Unable to open technology file.[root@localhost bin]# ./asitic.linux.2

ASITIC version 12.05.97
Analysis & Simulation of Inductors and Transformers for ICs

Technology File Name? CMOS.tek

Unable to open technology file.[root@localhost bin]# ^C
bash: :s^C: substitution failed
[root@localhost bin]# ./asitic.linux.2

ASITIC version 12.05.97
Analysis & Simulation of Inductors and Transformers for ICs

Technology File Name? bash: :s^C: substitution failed

Unable to open technology file.[root@localhost bin]# ./asitic.linux.2

ASITIC version 12.05.97
Analysis & Simulation of Inductors and Transformers for ICs

Technology File Name? ^CMOS

Unable to open technology file.[root@localhost bin]# ^C
bash: :s^C: substitution failed

what i do wrong

why are you logged in as root???? copy CMOS.tek from the tek folder to the bin folder.

I copy the CMOS.tek file to bin folder and gave program the location and nothing
then I gave location in tek folder and show me this

Added after 4 minutes:

Iam very close to run this f#&%&4 program no?...............

Added after 2 hours 7 minutes:


Added after 3 minutes:

thanks for all oermens

after all I can start asitic from xterminal
since i can from fedora 6
I let you a picture

I hope this dudes could help someone as newie like me

install linux
intead of running linux on windows

u have to setup x for cygwin then only gui program may work erronoiusly

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