Pre-rainfall Detector

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 23, 2005
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rainfall detector

hi friends,
Is there anyway out by which a circuit can detect a rainful 30 minutes or a hour before it actually rains.

Please help me out.

i guess there is not any one
i know one that gives u an alarm when rain occurs

How can that even be possible? Weather isn't 100% predictable.

There is usually an increase in humidity and a decrease in air pressure. The problem is that different parts of the earth have different values of these changing before it rains. In tropic areas you can predict from your clock and the time of rain the previous day it is so deterministic.

With sensor array spread over large enough area you can measure rainfall and direction of storm travel. Still, the storm can quit before it reaches your site, or it can start raining at your site first. There are many other factors still to consider (ie. terain, fronts, etc.). Just ask the National Weather Service (USA) and you'll see how hard it can be. Here a large government agency with loads of resources still can't get it right all the time. I have seen microwave and lidar systems that can give you a little more warning, but even those aren't fool proof. Where I live we often get rain that evaporates before hitting the ground (Virga). You can see it raining, but your dry!

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