Powerware PW9110 700VA UPS problem

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Junior Member level 2
Jun 9, 2010
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The UPS had dead batteries (2x12v 7Ah) and I replaced these with fresh ones.
Now when I plug it in all that I get is a red ALARM led and fan turning on.
I let it sit like that overnight, but no help.I checked all fuses and they are ok. Anyone have idea where to get schematic for that?
I have no repair experience with UPS units.


What is the alarm LED for? Maybe low battery or overload?
Try removing any load, or maybe charge the new ones with an external circuit, plug it in and see if the UPS still shows the same LED.
There maybe something wrong with the charging section. Check to see, if you get any charging voltage at the output to confirm that the charging section is okay.

Hope this helps.

OK, The batteries were fully charged already, but I put them on an electronic charger and they showed being full in 10sec. I put them back in the UPS and voltage of 26.50 Vdc with UPS cables connected.
After I plug the UPS to 230Vac, the I hear a couple of clicks and the fan kicks on and battery voltage goes to 27,50 Vdc.
The warning LED is only light on and momentary (or longer) press of either of the two buttons will do nothing.
After I unplug the UPS from 230 Vac, the fan and warning LED stay on for about 10 sec. and then they both turn off. No beeps can be heard at any stage.

Any ideas?


First of all, can you tell us what the red warning light is for. Maybe a picture would help.
And what are the two buttons for?

Ok, here goes:

Just the Alarm led is on. I don't know the function of the other button, since I don't have manual and could not find one with Google.


Well, I gave it a try and nothing happens. Just the same LED remains lit.


Problem solved and you never guess what caused it!

Someone had the front panel off at some point and the flat cable that runs between the panel and the controller board is keyed from one end, but not from the end that goes to the front panel (lights and switches). I just turned the connector 180 degrees and it works perfectly.
Thanks for everyone who tried to help!


By the way, does anyone have a users manual for this UPS?
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