Porblem witb PICS ICD2- USB

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May 20, 2006
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Islamabad, Pakistan
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icd0021: unable to connect with mplab icd 2 (usb)

Hi All,
I have made ICD2-USB by PICs given on the page

I had when i connect in to USB Port it detected a driver and installed a "Microchip MPLAB ICD2 Firmware Client " in "Microchip Tools" Tab oin device manager
when i tried to connect it with MPLAB ICD2 it doesn't connect

following message comes
MPLAB ICD 2 ready for next operation
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2 (USB)
MPLAB ICD 2 ready for next operation

Please Help me about this

I Have seen unicorn with inchworm+ i have developed inchworm before please how i upgrade this to make it USB ICD2-
for make a USB - ICD with unicorn is it necessary to make both
i dont want to use application made on inchworm board please tell how can i only make ICD2- no KIT

Please Help

Added after 1 minutes:

* I dont wan to use application ( i.e. GLCD, EEPROM etc) on unicorn board I just want to make a ICD as inworm was

icd2 driver

The Unicorn and Inchworm combine to (using the high speed PSP port) to emulate a typical ICD2 USB clone.

You want something simple build a Junebug. The single 18F2550 is much easier to build.

icd2 pics

you are right dear but i have to build ICD
please tell me the way how do i combine both
to make USB ICD+COM Port ICD
Do u have a combined schematic
In Unicorn Assembly Instruction (Page 5, Schematic)
These is "40PIN +inchworn+interconnect CON7)"
but there are 18 PIN from (18F4550)
I understand that PORTD of 18F4550 to be connected with PORTD of 16F877A
but where to connect PORTE, RB3, RB4, RC0 of 18F4550
Please advice if there are some other modification to make
I only want to make Programmer/Debugger and Not interested in USB-KIT
I am waiting for you answer

Added after 3 minutes:

I in My Place only have PIC18F4550 not 2550
so will Junebug work for this

download driver usb icd2

do u know edaboard work on ICD2 clone. all the world know about it.

please make a search then u will get more powerfull member here.

or asked moderator to leave u in icd2. blueroomelectronics also build one.


inchworm modification vdd

Can you help me in this regard
i have made a lot of circuits but some of them work
I have been depresses by ICD2 by PICS i made a circuit but not working
I am using MPLAB 8.20 and I Install Microchip ICD driver so please tell how to do it

pics icd 2

Hi, maybe this can help you a little...

I had the same trouble when I built my ICD (PIC18F4550)...and the reason was the Crystal Osc.
it was dead. So, I replaced it and the ICD started to work.

winpic800 settings icd2

This ICD have one crystal for both 18F4550 and 16F877A
do i use two separate crystals for both controllers
will you please upload HEX files for both controllers
and i install it using Microchip Driver
is this correct or use some other method

pics of usb

Follow the next steps to make it work:

0. Build PCB
1. Install MPLAB
2. Program 2 pics with supplied firmwares. Be aware of configuration settings when burning the code (watch images)
I use winpic.

Note: MCLR/RE3 is disabled in code

4. Plug the ICD2 to PC, then:

a- device will be enumerated (ding!)
b- drivers will begin to be installed (MPLAB must be installed previously)

5. Launch MPLAB

6. Select like programmer ICD2 in menu


7. Enable the option "Download operating system". Select the OS to be used for the 877A:
(by default MPLAB shows the one .hex suitable for our pic). It will download the OS to 877a

Message windows will report:

Downloading Operating System
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2

Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2
Reading ICD Product ID

Running ICD Self Test
Download Operating System Succeeded

8. Check volta ges all is correct :

Programmer->Settings->Status-> All tests passed
Target Vdd: 4.96 (must be 5V aprox)
Target Vpp: 13.02 (must be 13V aprox)
MPLAB ICD2 Vpp: 13.02 (must be 13V aprox)

All perfect and in range.

Push the button Connect.
The first time it will downdload the OS specific to the target (target PIC connected to icd2)

For example:
MPLAB 7.4: ICD12010200.hex

icd2 dead

you could try with an older version of MPLAB IDE. (7.xx)
it seems that some clones are not working with the newer versions of MPLAB.

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