Please rate the following tools

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Re: rate the tools

initialy when i used P*otel 1.5(less than three Mb), i thought that the worst thing to do was design PCB using CAD, and was doing boards with manual methods(good old bishop graphic Tapes) later when i tried P*otel DXP i get the same feeling. there is no control when you route manualy, it zaps into wilderness and you dont find where your alyout has ended, controlled placing of components is difficult, and requires wast system resources,. frequent system crashes were common.
Later i tried Pcad, it is difficult to use this tool unless you work on it for a lot of time.

presently using Eagle and i find that the learning curve is very less with Eagle. if your layout is not very complex and dont need simulation eagle is best choise.

the higher end PCB tools have exotic features like autoplace, smart routing etc, but i think people seldom use autoplacement option, and i dont think that any tool can think like what a human brain does. i got disastrous results with autoplacer in Pro*el.

4: IS A 3D TOOL REQUIRED( they charge money for such features)

finally every tool has its pros and cons and to expect everything from from a single tool is useless. the choise of tools should be based on the following points
1: the cost of tool and your requirement.
2: ease of use.

i came to a conclusion after testing many EDA tools that if you are designing Power supplies, Small micrprocessor boardswhere maximum placement and routing is done by hand it is waste of money to use Cadence tools or any other high end tools, a program like EAGLE is available for 1200$ . if you require only layout module it is around 400$ where high end tools cost in the range of 5000$ to 10000$.
Think wisely before investing on any PCB design tool.

Re: rate the tools

Hi rauol,
I agree with you about Altium tools and autoplace/autoroute, but I have a question to you :
with Eagle is possible to create Net Class, via&width to net class (p.e. sometimes I work with 30-40 Class Roule HT-HT HT-BT Critical net to all ect...) end when the PCB is very filled and there are many constraints, Eagle is easy to use?


Re: rate the tools

Hi mkbs,
i agrre with you that the features required by you may not be possible in eagle.
as i told you the tool should be selected on the basis of requirement.
if you purchase eagle it will not be usefull to you, and if i purchase orcad it may not be usefull to me.

Some body should make a detailed chart of tools availabel, there features, ease of use, COST, price to performanc on basis of different applications.

Re: rate the tools

Orcad is very good. But I do not work with allegro. It may be better than orcad.

Re: rate the tools

My current dataflow: Orcad Capture(schematic) -> Pcad 2002 PCB(library preparation, placement, planes preparation) -> Specctra(placement correction, routing) -> Pcad 2002(finalizing) -> CAM350(DFM).

Honestly speaking, Pcad Pcb is not well suited for layout. It is not a PCB editor, it is more like a simple graphical editor. It is convenient to make planes, copper pours, but not for routing itself. I've tried to use Orcad Layout with Specctra, but there are several bugs in layout<->specctra translator. Routing is also inconvenient. Now I'm plaing with PADS - may be it will be better.

rate the tools

pads is a good tool for placement. but from routing point of view it is not optimized. specctra is the best for routing. it is good to use capture for sch and placement in pads powerpcb and routing in specctra or blazerouter. but blazerouter still have some bugs so take care

binu g

Re: rate the tools

PADS Layout are very good, moore flexible for layout and manual routing, for wide range of pcb designs.

FIRE interactive routing in PADS Router (Blaze Router) have some bug, but the last releases are much better, not all are fixed but much better.

The problem for some tools like PADS are two different environment, Layout and Router.

In the past the project of PADS INC. are only single environment for PowerpCB and Blaze Router with Latium technology. I don't know if Ment or, have same project for PADS Layout and Router.

Now OrCAD PCB Designer have only single environment, because are Allegro tool without H-Speed signal options. Another Excellent pcb tool are Expedtion, very powerfull.

I planning an accurate test for this two tools. Any reply or feedback from Expedition and Allegro users, are welcome.


rate the tools

Boardmaker3 seems to have matured. It looks really good with 3D export. But how to get it...

Re: rate the tools


Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages.Now you need to look for an tool which can fullfill your design constraints.

I say Pads layout,Expedition,Board station and allegro are higher end tools,since its good for high speed designs.

Then there are second level tools like Cadstar,Protel,Pcad etc.... which are not that good as above tools in features,but then its not bad as Eagle though.

For simpler designs,Eagle and other lower end softwares can be used,its just my insight about the subject,finally its upto the end user to evaluate before purchasing.



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