[SOLVED] Please help! ADS everything is greyed out!

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Aug 23, 2016
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Plese help! ADS everthing is greyed out!

Hi all,

I am working on a project in ADS. I accidentally removed the library I was using, but I did add it back in after.

But now, every components on schematics are greyed out; my layout is not showing because there's not layer definition in the workspace.

Does anyone know what happen and how to fix the problem?

Thank you!


Re: Plese help! ADS everthing is greyed out!

When you removed the library you will have removed the reference to the technology used for the schematic and/or layout layers used. For the schematic the quick fix is to put the required reference back.

With ADS running and the problem workspace open use the Options > Technology > Technology Setup menu command in the Main window.

In the Reference Libraries tab at the top make sure the library you have open is set in the drop-down list at the top. Make sure that ads_schematic_layers is shown in the Referenced Libraries list. What you are seeing would be usual if this was not set. To replace it use the Add Referenced Libraries... button to locate this library and add it to the workspace library. Then when opening schematics the correct colors should be used.
Re: Plese help! ADS everthing is greyed out!

Yes! I've added the library back and it works now!!

Thank you!!

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