PLC --- Powerline Communication

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Re: Urgently, I need Poweline Communication (PLC) materials

Broadband Powerline Communications : Network Design
by Halid Hrasnica, Abdelfatteh Haidine, Ralf Lehnert
Hardcover: 290 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (August 16, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0470857412

Broadband Powerline Communications: Network Design covers the applications of broadband PLC systems in low-voltage supply networks, a promising candidate for the realization of cost effective solutions for “last mile” communications networks. There are many activities surrounding the development and application of PLC technology in the access area, particularly because of strong interest of new network providers after the deregulation of telecommunications market. Nowadays, there are no existing standards for broadband PLC networks, which use a frequency range up to 30 MHz.
This book includes relevant and timely information regarding broadband PLC systems and especially PLC access networks and contributions to the design aspects of broadband PLC access systems and their network components.

This book:
Offers explanations on how broadband PLC networks are realized, what the important characteristics for the transmission on electrical power grids are, and which implementation solutions have been recently considered for the realization of broadband PLC systems.
Considers various system realizations, disturbance scenarios and their impact the transmission in PLC networks, electro-magnetic compatibility, applied modulation schemes, coding, and error handling methods.
Pays particular attention to the specifics of the PLC MAC layer and its protocols, as well as the modelling and performance evaluation of broadband PLC networks.



-Power line communciations

-1.1 Transmitter

|Send Data|-->| NE555|-->|LC Amplify|-->|Induc couple|-->|Capac couple|--> |Power line|

-1.2 Illusition
-1.2.1 NE555 modulates signals 0/1;
-1.2.2 LC circuits are used to amplify signals and couple signals
to another induction which is link to power lines;
-1.2.3 Capacactance coupling is used to couple signals to power line;
-2.1 Receiver

|Power line|-->|Capac couple|-->|Induc couple|-->|Signal amplify |-->
|LC Select frequence|-->|LM567 Demodulate|-->|Get datum|

-2.2 Illusition
-2.2.1 Coupling capacitance and induction are used to isulated and couple siganls
modulated by Transmitter;
-2.2.2 Using CMOS circuits to amplify to modulated signals;
-2.2.3 Using LC/crystal to select frequence in the bandwide which we need;
-2.2.4 Using LM567 to demodulate signals to data 0/1;
-3.1 Note
-3.1.1 The frequence of modulated signal <> The frequence of Power line;
-3.1.2 The frequence of modulated signal can't cross transformer;
-3.1.3 The voltage of coupling capacitance > 2 * Voltage of Power line;
-3.1.4 The signals is easily affected by PC, Motor and so forth;
-3.1.5 If you use separated components like above, the transmitting speed
is much lower. U can by professional Power line communication IC;

Bill Range

if u want u can refer to the company websites such as intellon, conexant which deal with chips used for powerline communication .


I am trying to do hardware synchronisation through

I am using 7555 ic to generate pulses
flow goes like this


7555 astable output --> sl100 transister for coupling to power line tansformer --->Powerline coupling transformer

Now I want protection circuit between sl100 and powerline transformer so as to avoid any voltage reflection from secondry to primery

Coupling transormer is of 1:1 ratio.

Please help me

if u want u can refer to the company websites such as intellon, conexant which deal with chips used for powerline communication .

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