PIC18F45K20 [Demo Board] Sample Code needed in MPLAB Sim

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Anantha Krishna

Member level 1
Feb 10, 2011
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Hi All,

I have started to PIC18F45K20 Demo Board that comes with PICKIT 3.

I am trying to use MPLAB IDE with PIC18F Hitech Compiler Lite Mode.

When I am using the following statement:

#include <pic.h>

it is giving following error:

Error [141] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 7.16 can't open include file "pic.h": No such file or directory

Please let me know about this error. I have worked with PIC16F887 Controller and used the same .h file. I am new to 18F series.

Please someone give a simple code for MPLAB to begin working on this Controller.

You need to tell the compiler where it is.

In Mplab, got to:

Project/Build Options/Project

Then point the compiler to the include directory.

I changed
#include <pic.h>
#include "PIC18F45K20.h"

It accepted. But when I did initializations as below,

#pragma config FOSC = INTIO67
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF, LVP = OFF, MCLRE = OFF

it gave following warning:

Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 5.1 unknown pragma "config"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 5.1 unknown pragma "FOSC"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 5.1 unknown pragma "="
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 5.1 unknown pragma "INTIO67"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "config"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "WDTEN"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "="
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "OFF"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "LVP"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "="
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "OFF"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "MCLRE"
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "="
Warning [335] Q:\Projects in Hand\Strain Measurement-StrainM\Product Platforms\Platform 1- PS081+pic based\Model-4 Platform\Platform Codes\PIC Codes\18F\test1.c; 6.1 unknown pragma "OFF"

Please give me a sample code[that includes initializations and glows LED in PORTD] that works.


It looks like it is not accepting any Configuration settings. It is giving same warnings. The code is still not working.

Please let me know if the below statements are correct, because it is giving "unknown pragma "config"

#pragma config FOSC = HSPLL_HS
#pragma config PWRT = OFF
#pragma config BOR = OFF
#pragma config WDT = OFF
#pragma config LVP = OFF


#pragma config FOSC = INTIO67
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF, LVP = OFF, MCLRE = OFF

It is not accepting configuration settings. Please help.

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