PIC16F876 with 24Cxx and RS232

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 1, 2004
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Oran, Algeria
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read eeprom and send with rs232

I need some help in how to edit a text and send it to an EEPROM 24Cxx via RS232 and PIC16F876 or PIC16F84. If any soft in c langage or visual basic to help me to start.

pic16f876 max232

u can use CCS to connect the 16F876 using a Max232
and Putc to read/write in the Rs232
and start a i2c communication with the eeprom
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pic16f876 rs232 routine

Many thanks Cortex, but i am working in asm with mplab and i never used c (i am newbe in programation) , i made a routine to read from eeprom with pic16F84, now i want to edit a text on pc and store it in the eeprom, i will use a max232 but my porblem is on the graphic interface on pc , i do'nt know how to start !! and what langage to learn (for pc) basic or c. I need an example to start. On the prgram of pic i will find alone but on pc ??
and once more excuse my english, it's so bad !! [/quote]

Added after 1 minutes:

Many thanks Cortex, but i am working in asm with mplab and i never used c (i am newbe in programation) , i made a routine to read from eeprom with pic16F84, now i want to edit a text on pc and store it in the eeprom, i will use a max232 but my porblem is on the graphic interface on pc , i do'nt know how to start !! and what langage to learn (for pc) basic or c. I need an example to start. On the prgram of pic i will find alone but on pc ??
and once more excuse my english, it's so bad !!

pic16f876 rs232 communication

for Visual basic u can use MSCOMM to send data
check the Speed 9200 and the parity
if you need help with that PM me
Or better Just post here so every one can see the solutions or help with it

for C++ use Tcomport
i use it in Delphi and it very good
i don't use C++ yet so i can't help you with C

%Thanks% ².²


    Points: 2
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pic16f876 use eeprom

If you do not want to use C, there are a lot of routines for communicating via RS232 in assembly, check microchips website for that.

For your eeprom, you need to do a bit banging algorithm, check your eeprom's datasheet about the timings.


**broken link removed**

eeprom pic16f876

thanks cortex and jojokatada the site was very helpfull for me (newbe) that exatly what i want. this site was helpfull too, it how to use RS232 with vb step by step


it's in french, hope it help !

thanks glenjoy but i did'nt understand what mean "banging algorithm".

many thanks all

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