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PIC with RS232 to TCP/IP converter

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Full Member level 6
Apr 27, 2009
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I want to use TCP/IP converter with microcontroller PIC. HXSP-2108E-A RS-232 To Ethernet TCP/IP Serial Device Server
I have no problem with UART and RS232.

I want develop web based monitoring/controlling, ex monitoring temperature or controlling LED through internet. I don't know what TCP/IP data convert into RS232? How can I put webpages so that I can surf from anywhere?

No people experience using this module?

Hi friend, I know have been past to much time since you ask about this equipment, but some monts ago i use for the firts time this kind of equipment (RS232 to IP converter) and i wolud like to tell you that is no too good, because if the conection TCPIP have disconect from a minimal laptus of time it disconect from the software thats included from manufacter.

I prefer to spend the same money that it´s cost to arm a CPU that containt the minimal requeriment to get Win 2000 o XP inside and use it to get this to past from RS232 to IP, even better because you have to get to much serial port, paralel port, audio port, etc.

I know that a CPU is bigger that RS232 converter but with the performance of this converter i prefer to use anithing else that work fine and can be controlled externaly by some software like LOGMEIN, o remote conecttion.

But would like to made my own PIC RS232 to IP using for example a PIC 18F4550 and ENC28J60, not to create a webserver but to create a virtual port like a TCP port, for example using IP and the port 4685 to transmit data to outside and the port 4695 to get data from outside.

Actually i am doing this using a Old PIII pc with 512 Ram, Pen Drive Hard Disk (4 Gb) win XP and Labview like host server using the IP that is asigned for the ISP and using all the port available from the IP (since 150 until 65536) too much port avaliable to send data inside and outside the internet.

And using Labview in the station pc to read all data (telemetry), reading temp sensor, level sensor, pressure sensor, caudal sensor, humity sensor, etc.

You would like to work from distante with me, traying to develop this king of circuit, i am really getting crazy with all the information that a cannot understand by myself.

PD: Sorry for my english, is too bad, and i dont have people near to me to get a conversation or to get mail in english.

If you have some time look in youtube my videos, try a search with "andres mathison"

You have to send the html code via serial port to load a web page on the browser.

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