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Full Member level 6
Mar 27, 2002
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300 baud modem psoc

I need to connect a microcontroller to internet for a remote data acquisition project. I am experienced with PICs. Is there an example project about how to connect PIC to dial-up?

I am also thinking on Dallas 80C400 MCU...

psoc 300bps modem

Look here:
**broken link removed**

best regards

cypress dial up mcu

I guess you could use the Microchip methods as defined on one of thier application notes, but may not support all PIC chips.

I could point you to some references if you are more specific.

pic modem


The world is changing ..Have you thought on using the CYPRESS PSOC
chips they have an app note to IMPLEMENT a 300 baud RATE MODEM
inside the chip .. Couln't the whole thing be put inside one chip alone ?

Maybe i went too far this time ...
But who knows ... It can probably be done !..

ppp dial up pic avr

yes, I know psoc. I am in contact with their local support team and I asked them is it possible with Psoc and I'm waiting for their answer. But I suppose using DS80C390 with an usual dial-up IP/Sharer may be a good choice... Or using an external TCP/IP interface:
**broken link removed**

I keep my mind open for different ideas...

modem source code

Hi eltonjohn

Yes, you're right, the world is changing and you didn't went too far this time, and not only for 300 bps. Look at:


eDsoft-100 from eDevice is an embedded
software that runs on a single DSP (digital
signal processor) chip ADSP-218x allowing Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to add
Internet connectivity to any device via a
standard telephone line (PSTN - public switched
telephone network).

Sobakava, look at Microchip site for application of Myron Loewen


pic modem source

If you are not tied to using a PIC then you could look at avrfreaks.com where they have already completed many projects using such stacks.

I found this one after one search

**broken link removed**

Seems exactly waht you want to do.


You can use this module:
It's very easy to use with ethernet embedded, some digital i/o and serial port. You can use it connected to a PIC or stand-alone.

does siteplayer connects to internet itselft with a modem or is it a part of LAN?

Dear j2356r

The link you point out it's about a product based on obsolete Seiko S7600 chip (call it dead). I'm afraid that even the manufacturer of the board removes this product.

The site player module was designed for connecting on plain LAN through ethernet.

The requirement states that micro must handle both dial-up which is about DSP application and TCP/IP + PPP protocol stacks which are already available on PIC.
But I do not think that PIC or AVR will enough capasity to handle modem DSP application - so DSP chip must be used , if no external modem will be used .
For PPP protocol there was book mentioned on elektroda . Its source code includes PPP protocol especially for PIC .

I am ready to use an external embedded modem or usual serial modem or an ethernet modem/IP sharer.

I need tips/source for dial-up connection (dialing with AT commands and setting connection with dial-up script etc) Then how can I send IP packets with this modem?

Hi, Sobakava,

as I understand you need to control some device remotely by modem.

You can make it by two ways - simple modem connection through telephone line as on this chain:

(MCU)->(modem)->(==phone line==)->(modem2)->(MCU or PC)

or using Internet as here:

(MCU)->(modem)->(line)->(Internet provider)->(Internet)->(Internet provider2)->(modem2)->(MCU or PC)

It is much simpler to make system #1 - you will need only use AT commands for command mode and raw data flow for data exchange.

In system #2, you need also add TCP/IP support and SLIP or PPP for connection with provider - I think, it is very difficult for simple PIC processor.

Anyway, you will need also hardware interface between PIC's UART and modem RS232 lines. You can use MAX232 chip for this purpose.

Now I am about to buy an IP sharer (a device automatically connects to internet over phone line) and RTL8019AS ethernet IC like in Micr0chip's Picdem.net demo board. I suppose this IC is obsolete. Is it hard to find in high volumes? Is there a replacement or similar IC?

And for testing... Is a simple phone box (pbx) does the same thing with a phone line simulator? If not, how much does a phone line simulator costs?


Have a look at www.nchip.com. I think there's still a free version of this implementation available. (TCP/IP, PP, etc...)


there are good project fit my requirements based on Seiko S7600 but as I know S7600 is an obsolete IC. Do you know where to find it for a reasonable price in volume (200-1000pcs)? Or is there a replacement/ similar IC in mass production?

Is there a free TCP/IP + PPP stack with ISP dial/login script for PIC18 series? I think it is possible to implement simple tcp/ip in big PIC18 s without NIC. huh?


PM me to get any qty of S7600 cheap.


>PM me to get any qty of S7600 cheap.

please check your PM, give me details about pricing and quantity.

Sobakava said:
>PM me to get any qty of S7600 cheap.

please check your PM, give me details about pricing and quantity.


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